74,024 new cases and 85 deaths – time.news

by time news
Of Paola Caruso

The data for Saturday 19 March. The positivity rate was stable at 15.5% with 478,051 swabs. The trend of the curve remains uphill. A plateau as high as in March 2021 seems to be forming. Admissions: -84. Intensive care: -3

I’m 74.024
the new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 76,250, here the bulletin). It goes up like this at least 13.800.179
the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 85
(yesterday 165), for a total of 157,692 victims from February 2020.

People recovered or discharged they are altogether 12.494.968 e 48.385 those that have become negative in the last 24 hours (46,408 yesterday). The positive current – the subjects who have the virus – turn out to be in everything 1.147.519equal to +27.298 compared to yesterday (+32.004 the day before).

The swabs and the scenario

I total swabs (molecular and antigenic) were 478.051, or 12,832 less than yesterday when it was 490,883. The stable positive rate of 15.5% (the approximation of 15.48%); like yesterday when it was 15.5%.

The trend of the swinging curve remains upward and you can see it from the comparison with last Saturday (March 12), when they were recorded +53,825 almost with a rate of 12.9%: in fact today there are more new infections than that day, with a higher percentage (15.5% against 12.9%). It seems that a high plateau is forming, as it also happened in March 2021, a year ago, before the April descent. These are hypotheses, not certainties. This will be better understood later. Given the high circulation of the virus and also the growth in the incidence rate, it is good to keep behaviors inspired by prudence, the director general of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza said yesterday, commenting on the monitoring data.

There are two regions with more than 8,000 newly infected: Lazio (+8,986 cases) and Lombardy (+8,052). Followed above by the dream of 7 thousand: Campania (+7.903) and Puglia (+7.392).

The health system

Ordinary hospitalizations decrease and slightly also in resuscitation. The beds occupied in ordinary Covid wards I’m -84 (yesterday +6), for a total of 8,319 hospitalized. The beds occupied in intensive care (TI) are -3 (yesterday +1) – this is the balance between the people who left and those who entered IT -, bringing the total of the most seriously ill patients to 471with 56 admissions to resuscitation (yesterday 47).

The victims

The victims in the bulletin are decreasing: they are 85 against 165 yesterday (last Saturday they were 133). We remind you that some structures do not communicate the deaths data over the weekend. There are five regions / provinces with zero bereavement: Umbria, Molise, Valle d’Aosta, the province of Trento and the province of Bolzano. While the highest number of deaths in Lombardy (17).

The cases region by region

The data provided below, and broken down by region, is that of total cases (number of people found positive since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

2,440,620: +8,052 cases (yesterday +8,555)
Veneto 1,414,989: +6,831 cases (yesterday +6,061)
Campania 1,305,393: +7,903 cases (yesterday +8,409)
Emilia Romagna 1,235,389: +3,904 cases (yesterday +4,151)
Lazio 1.187.659: +8.986 cases (yesterday +9.004)
1,017,763: +2,736 cases (yesterday +2,575)
Tuscany 926.894: +5.489 cases (yesterday +5.689)
Sicily 899.837: +6.107 cases (yesterday +5.946)
Puglia 830.341: +7.392 cases (yesterday +8.521)
Liguria 368.051: +1.582 cases (yesterday +1.514)
Walk 362.571: +2.560 cases (yesterday +2.862)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 322.248: +1.179 cases (yesterday +1.045)
Abruzzo 289.621: +1.969 cases (yesterday +1.958)
Calabria 262.006: +2.920 cases (yesterday +2.984)
Umbria 213.605: +1.989 cases (yesterday +2.307)
Sardinia 207.183: +1.925 cases (yesterday +2.113)
P. A. Bolzano 198,987: +605 cases (yesterday +704)
P. A. Trento 144.884: +425 cases (yesterday +391)
Basilicata 95.598: +989 cases (yesterday +949)
Molise 44.629: +433 cases (yesterday +450)
Valle d’Aosta 31.911: +48 cases (yesterday +63)

Deaths region by region

The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is that of the total deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 39,043: +17 deaths (yesterday +26)
Veneto 14,036: +8 deaths (yesterday +13)
Campania 9.924: +2 deaths (yesterday +9)
Emilia Romagna 16.143: +5 deaths (yesterday +12)
Lazio 10,636: +5 deaths (yesterday +12)
Piedmont 13.150: +3 deaths (yesterday +6)
Tuscany 9,312: +11 deaths (yesterday +11)
Sicily 9,848: +15 deaths (yesterday +19)
Puglia 7,854: +4 deaths (yesterday +10)
Liguria 5,174: +3 deaths (yesterday +4)
Walk 3,657: +4 deaths (yesterday +7)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 4,862: +2 deaths (yesterday +10)
Abruzzo 3,039: +1 death (yesterday +2)
Calabria 2,218: +2 deaths (yesterday +8)
Umbria 1,772: no new deaths (yesterday +2)
Sardinia 2,149: +2 deaths (yesterday +7)
P. A. Bolzano 1,432: no new deaths (yesterday +2)
P. A. Trento 1,532: no new deaths (yesterday +1)
Basilicata 806: +1 death (yesterday +3)
Molise 583: no new deaths (yesterday +1)
Valle d’Aosta 522: no new deaths since March 5th

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

The Abruzzo Region announces that the death communicated today occurred in recent days.

The Emilia-Romagna Region announces that 3 cases have been eliminated, negative for confirmation molecular tests.

The Friuli Venezia Giulia Region announces that the total number of positive cases has been reduced by 1 following a review of the case and that in the data relating to those hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit and Medical Area, patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV2, also hospitalized for other reasons, are counted. pathology.

The Region of Sicily announces that on the total number of confirmed cases communicated today, n. 1748 relate to days prior to 18/03/22 and that among the deceased reported on today’s date N. 2 relate to 18/03/2022 – N. 7 to 17/03/2022 – N. 3 to 16/03 / 2022 – N. 1 to 03/15/2022 – N. 1 to 02/06/2022 – N. 1 to 01/13/2022.

The Umbria Region announces that 4 of the non-ICU admissions belong to the discipline codes of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics and 18 to other discipline codes.

March 19, 2022 (change March 19, 2022 | 18:29)

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