75,616 new cases and 146 deaths – time.news

by time news
Of Silvia Morosi

The data for Friday 25 March

They are 75,616 the new cases of Covid in Italy (yesterday there were 81,811, here the bulletin). It rises, thus, to at least 14,229,495
the number of people who have contracted the SARS-CoV-2 virus (including recovered and died) since the outbreak began. THE deaths today I’m 146 (yesterday 182), for a total of 158,582 victims from February 2020 ***. In the light of the data from the control room, Sardinia – the last region that had remained in yellow – also passed into white area.

The rate of positivity

There are 503,973 molecular and antigenic swabs carried out in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Yesterday there were 545,302. The positive rate of 15%stable compared to yesterday.

The health situation

There are 447 patients admitted to intensive care, stable in the balance between entries and exits. The daily admissions are 49. The hospitalized in the ordinary wards are 8,994, (yesterday 9,029) 35 less than yesterday.

The currently infected remain almost stable at 1.24 million, of which 1.23 in home isolation. The discharged / healed in the last 24 hours are 75,773 (yesterday 63,553) for a total that rises to 12,824,632. The region with the most cases is the Lazio with 8,807 infections followed by Lombardy (+8.677), Campania (+8.517) e Puglia (+7.842).

Analysis of the weekly data

The contagion curve in these days is starting to bend slightly and this can probably be a positive sign with respect to the trend of this phase, underlines the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro, speaking in Florence at a conference on the pandemic. About 474 million cases of Covid in the world, but also 11 billion doses of vaccine administered are a success – he adds – because it is extraordinary to design and distribute a vaccine and distribute it in such a short time. This week the incidence of cases in our country is still tending to rise. The incidence rate is around 848 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants. The RT also shows an upward trend, we are at 1.12, above the threshold, he clarifies Gianni Rezza, general director of prevention of the Ministry of Health, inviting to do the booster dose even with a very high vaccination campaign. According to the data shown, the projected one week forward Rt contagion index signals further growth to 1.44. Finally, Rezza explained that the employment rate in the medical area was 13.9% and that of intensive care was 4.5%.

The vaccination campaign

I’m 135,644,979 doses of the vaccine administered so far in Italy, 95.6% of those delivered, equal to 141,929,566. The people who have completed the vaccination cycle are 48,475,409 equal to 89.75% of the population over 12. what emerges from the bulletin on the progress of the vaccination campaign, updated at 06.21 today. 38,612,854 additional / booster doses were administered, 84.16% of the potentially affected population who completed the vaccination cycle for at least four months. 49,334,064 people (91.34% of over 12s) have received at least one dose of the vaccine. As for the audience 5-11 yearsthe total with at least one dose amounts to 1.371.952 (37.53%), while they completed the vaccination cycle in 1.228.135 (33.59%).

The cases region by region

The data provided below, broken down by region, concerns the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours. Here is the table with the overall data provided by the Ministry of Health.

: +8,677 cases (yesterday +9,300)
: +6.868 cases (yesterday +8.337)
Campania: +8.517 cases (yesterday +8.828)
Emilia Romagna
: +4,408 cases (yesterday +4,367)
: +8,807 cases (yesterday +9,235)
Piedmont: +2,805 cases (yesterday +3,086)
Tuscany: +5.469 cases (yesterday +5.446)
Sicily: +5.495 cases (yesterday +6.748)
Puglia: +7.842 cases (yesterday +8.420)
Liguria: +1.514 cases (yesterday +1.564)
Walk: +2.502 cases (yesterday +2.821)
Friuli Venezia Giulia: +1.064 cases (yesterday +1.240)
Abruzzo: +2.269 cases (yesterday +2.352)
Calabria: +2.979 cases (yesterday +3.452)
Umbria: +1.926 cases (yesterday +1.807)
Sardinia: +1.873 cases (yesterday +2.107)
P. A. Bolzano: +737 cases (yesterday +742)
P. A. Trento: +441 cases (yesterday +465)
Basilicata: +931 cases (yesterday +1.018)
Molise: +415 cases (yesterday +414)
Valle d’Aosta: +77 cases (yesterday +62)

The deaths region by region

The figure provided below, and broken down by region, is that of the total deaths since the start of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths recorded in the last 24 hours.

Lombardy 39,162: +21 deaths (yesterday +34)
Veneto 14,094: +7 deaths (yesterday +13)
Campania 9,977: +10 deaths (yesterday +2)
Emilia Romagna 16.208: +13 deaths (yesterday +16)
Lazio 10.717: +16 deaths (yesterday +20)
Piedmont 13.173: +1 death (yesterday +3)
Tuscany 9,422: +17 deaths (yesterday +19)
Sicily 9.954: +18 deaths (yesterday +18)
Puglia 7,910: +14 deaths (yesterday +14)
Liguria 5,185: +1 death (yesterday +2)
Walk 3,682: +5 deaths (yesterday +4)
Friuli Venezia Giulia 4,897: +4 deaths (yesterday +9)
Abruzzo 3,063: +5 deaths (yesterday +4)
Calabria 2.258: +1 death (yesterday +11)
Umbria 1,786: +4 deaths (yesterday +2)
Sardinia 2,188: +6 deaths (yesterday +8)
P. A. Bolzano 1,440: +1 death (yesterday +1)
P. A. Trento 1,538: no new deaths for the second consecutive day
Basilicata 817: +1 death (no new deaths yesterday)
Molise 587: +1 death (yesterday +1)
Valle d’Aosta 524: no new deaths (yesterday +1)

Here all the bulletins of 2022, here those of 2021 and here those of 2020.

*** Note:

– The Abruzzo Region reports that 27 cases were subtracted from the total of positives because they were duplicated and 3 cases because they were not Covid patients; he also declares that 4 of the total deaths reported today occurred in the past few days and that today’s figures include a realignment of the total number of recoveries and of patients in isolation.
– The Emilia-Romagna Region declares that 2 cases, communicated in the previous days, have been eliminated, as they are not considered Covid-19 cases.
– The Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region announces that the total of positive cases has been reduced by 2 following 2 positive tests removed after reviewing the cases.
– The Region of Sicily declares that on the total number of confirmed cases communicated today, n. 815 refer to days prior to 03/24/22.
– The Umbria Region points out that 6 of the non-ICU admissions belong to the discipline codes of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Pediatrics and that 19 of the non-ICU admissions belong to other discipline codes.

March 25, 2022 (change March 25, 2022 | 20:29)

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