79 empreintes de dinosaures découvertes en Lozère

by time news

Dinosaur Footprints Discovered in Lozère, France

August 8, 2024 – A scientific team has unearthed “remarkably well-preserved” footprints of three different theropods spanning 150 square meters in‌ Lozère, France.⁢ The discovery was serendipitous, made by a walker in May 2023.

“We didn’t know what we⁤ were going to find,”

declared Jean-David Moreau, referring to the​ Figaro newspaper. A scientific excavation concluded on August 6th, revealing 79 ​triassic footprints estimated to be 200 million⁤ years old.

The site was discovered just a year ago by amateur paleontologist Marc ‌Lemonier, who stumbled upon it while mushroom picking. He immediately​ contacted Moreau, who expressed his astonishment: “It was⁤ obvious, he had just discovered a new site.”

An Exceptional Excavation

The APHPL (Association ‍de paléontologie des hauts plateaux du Languedoc) launched a scientific study​ following initial inquiries. Led by a team of 15 paleontologists, the excavation spanned six days,⁣ with four days dedicated to digging and the ⁣remainder for scientific documentation and site ‍restoration.

The​ remarkable discovery of 79 ‌footprints, still clearly visible, across different rock layers, revealed three different dinosaur forms, suggesting the presence of three ‍distinct‌ theropod species in Lozère during ⁢the Jurassic period.

More importantly, this unprecedented discovery opens new avenues of research, allowing scientists to delve deeper into the lives of these ​prehistoric creatures.⁢ Questions surrounding their speed, behavior, and size are⁤ now within​ reach.

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