79,000 people will be able to vote for the first time in the Galician elections after turning 18

by time news

2023-12-29 17:08:00

A total of 2,693,624 voters are called to the polls on February 18, of which 17.7% reside abroad

29 dic 2023 . Updated at 4:27 p.m.

A total of 2,693,624 people are called to cast their vote in the Galician elections next February 18, according to data published this Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INE). It’s almost 4,000 less than in the previous elections regional elections, those of July 2020, which represents a slight drop in voters of 0.14%.

Among those almost 2.7 million potential voters, there are 79,072 who will be able to participate for the first time in elections to the Parliament of Galicia because they will have fulfilled the of age at some point in the around three and a half years that have passed since the previous Galician elections.

The vast majority of those who are called to the polls reside in Galicia. Specifically, 2,217,110 people. Those resident voters are 17,000 less than in the last regional electoral event.

Faced with this, the number of voters residing abroad grows by more than 13,000 voters, until totaling 476,514. That is to say, 17.7% of the people with the right to vote on February 18 do not live in Galicia.

Argentina It is the country from which the most ballots could arrive, with almost 166,300 recognized voters. They are followed by Cuba and Brazil, both with more than 45,000; Uruguay with almost 37,200; and Switzerland, with just over 34,000. Venezuela, the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom complete the list of the ten countries with the most potential voters ahead of the February elections.

By province, Ourense has the highest percentage of residents abroad, 29.1% of a total of 355,800; followed by Lugo, with 20.6% of 337,734 voters. Both provinces, interior and more unpopulated, will elect 14 deputies each on February 18.

In A Corua and Pontevedra the percentage of residents abroad is the same, 15.1%. In the Coruesa constituency 1,088,386 voters elect 25 representatives, and in Pontevedra there are 911,704 potential voters who would elect 22 deputies.

The INE reminds that in this appointment voters residing abroad They will be able to vote without prior request. The Electoral Census Office will send all the necessary documentation to all voters, which can also be obtained directly at the voting centers that are established.

As he census electoral of residents (CER) and that of residents abroad (CERA) They can be consulted from January 1 to 8, the same period as there is to submit claims to that registration data. Both procedures can be done through the INE electronic headquarters, or in person at city halls, Census Office headquarters or consulates.

In addition, until January 8, the request not to receive electoral propaganda can also be submitted, so that it will already take effect in this next campaign in the month of February.

As for the census cards in which information is given about the location and the table at which each voter must cast their vote, will begin to be sent to homes starting January 29.

Electoral expenses

He DOG yesterday published several decrees and orders related to 18F. One of them establishes subsidies for electoral expenses. The parties that obtain representation will receive 23,585 euros for each seat obtainedy 0.87 euros per vote achieved. Also 25 cents per voter for sending ballots and electoral propaganda.

Another decree establishes bonuses for people who will work or collaborate in the electoral event. For example, the president of the Electoral Board of Galicia will be entitled to 4,085 euros for his work. Those who hold the same position in the provincial boards of A Corua and Pontevedra will receive 3,230 euros, and their counterparts in those of Lugo and Ourense, 2,945. In the case of the presidents of the zone boards, it will be 2,422.50. The representatives of the autonomous Administration at the tables will be compensated with between 100 and 125 euros, and the citizens who make up the tables with 70, plus an extra eight euros for whoever presides.

Filed in: Galician elections

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