8 March, free visits throughout Italy for fertility ‘check up’

by time news

Women’s Day, an opportunity to also think about a child’s project. The group GeneraLife organizes the first open day of the year for Saturday 12 March 2022: it’s Ferty Check # 2second edition of the day of free visits for women and men with infertility problems, after the one in September which saw more than 100 check ups performed in a single day.

“March 8 represents a moment of reflection on the female universe as a whole – remember Filippo Maria Ubaldi and Laura Rienzi, scientific directors of GeneraLife – and the alarming data on the decline in birth rates in our country, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, yes they place in the first places as an urgent issue to be addressed, for and with women “.

According to the latest and recent Report to Parliament on Law 40 which regulates the Medically assisted procreation (Pma) in Italy, in fact, there were about 9,500 fewer cycles started with Pma techniques in the first four months of 2020 (corresponding to the first lockdown) compared to the same period of 2019, equal to a reduction of almost 35% in the activities of the centers specialized. Starting from this reduction, the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) estimates that the impact of the pandemic on PMA activity in the first four months of 2020 alone could lead to the birth of at least 1,500 fewer children than in 2019, but with different scenarios traced by the health authority which, in the worst case, come to predict a decline of up to -4,200 births.

“This year marks the 18 years since the entry into force of law 40 of 2004 on Pma – add Ubaldi and Rienzi – a legislation that has been demolished over time by various interventions by courts and the Constitutional Court. Even today, and the pandemic does not has helped given that 20% of PMA centers have had to give space and staff to the care of Covid-19 patients, the first access of couples to reproductive medicine services, to get a diagnosis of infertility, is not easy . Our centers, at various times this year, will open their doors to all those who want to have a first overview of their situation, with useful information and specific tests that will allow them to know what their reproductive potential is “. For information and reservations: http://www.generalifeitalia.it

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