8 things you can do with Linux that you can’t do with MacOS or Windows

by time news

2023-10-03 08:00:00

When I started using Linux in 1997, the open source operating system was primarily used by computer science students, hackers, and programmers who wanted a more powerful, flexible, and secure alternative to the Windows operating system. He was serious and oriented towards serious work. Computer engineering students were clamoring to install Linux on desktops and laptops so they could help build the future and expand their skills.

Fast forward to now and Linux is used for everything (from phones, tablets, cars, home appliances, IoT devices, and much more). Because? Simply put, it is more flexible and secure than Windows.

Linux can be bent and twisted to become almost anything. But Linux is not only more flexible, reliable and secure than the competition, it’s also a lot more fun. I’ve spent many days (and weekends) modifying the Linux desktop simply because I could.

With Linux, I set up desktops that were so amazing that my friends wanted to know how they could achieve the same look. His disappointment upon realizing that his operating system was not capable of such a feat was always telling.

Beyond the cool desktop environments, what are some of the other really cool things you can do with the Linux desktop that you can’t do with other operating systems? Below I’ve put together eight compelling reasons why you should give it a try.

With Linux, you can:

1. Change it

Linux is about choice. Some might say that too many options can be a problem. The thing is, many desktop Linux distributions make the hard decisions for you: which kernel, which bash shell, which startup service, which network manager, which package manager. Some distributions intentionally limit those options to prevent users from being inundated with options. But even those distributions can be changed.

For example, if you go with Ubuntu Linux and don’t like GNOME, you can install KDE Plasma, Xfce, Pantheon, Budgie, Enlightenment, or any number of Linux desktop environments. And that’s part of the beauty of Linux… if you don’t like it, change it. Or you can choose a different distribution that defaults to a different desktop environment.

In a matter of minutes, you can change your desktop environment to one that looks like Windows, MacOS, or something completely different.

2. Recover old hardware

Remember when Windows 11 was released and many people soon discovered that the computer they bought three years earlier was not compatible with the latest version of the operating system? That is not the case with Linux. In fact, there are versions of Linux (such as Lubuntu y Linux Lite ) that are created specifically to run on older hardware (although they can also run on newer machines).

You may have a machine sitting in a closet that’s five years old and you assumed it was headed to the recycler. Grab a lightweight version of Linux, install it on that old machine, and watch it run like an absolute champ.

3. Never worry about blocking

One of the problems I have with operating systems like Windows and MacOS is vendor lock-in. With macOS, you do things the Apple way. With Windows 11, you do things the Windows way. With Linux, you do things your way.

In other words, if there’s something about the way the desktop works that you don’t like, you can modify it to make it fit your needs and workflow perfectly. And almost all Linux distributions allow such customization. I don’t know about you, but I prefer to work in a way that perfectly suits my needs rather than aligns with a third party’s idea of ​​what is efficient. Most of the time I find that their idea of ​​efficiency is nowhere near mine.

4. Update without rebooting

How many times have you gone to update Windows or MacOS, only to discover that the update actually happens during a reboot? For me, I could use that time to be really productive. That’s yet another reason why I consider Linux to be superior to the competition.

With Linux, I can do a full upgrade while still working on the desktop. In fact, with many Linux distributions, the only time you have to reboot after an update is if the kernel is up to date, and even then, the reboot is only necessary to ensure that the new kernel is loaded and running. Otherwise, you will continue using the operating system while the update runs in the background. Some distributions (such as Fedora) run updates during reboot.

That, of course, only applies when using the GUI tool for updates. Run the same updates with Sudo dnf update and the only time you will need to reboot is when the kernel is updated. When you check for updates using the GUI, the package manager will download them and then ask you to reboot for the updates to be applied. There are other operating systems, such as Pop!_OS, that require a reboot to install new firmware and upgrade to a new major version.

5. Run Windows software

That’s right, for those who must run Windows software on Linux, there is a way and it’s called Wine . Wine is installable software that allows you to install Windows software and run it on Linux. Wine is usually not installed by default, but is found in the default repositories of most distributions so that it can be installed from the various app stores available on Linux.

Speaking of which…

6. Install tons of software… for free!

You may have heard many people say that there is no software available for Linux. You are wrong. With Linux, you’ll find thousands and thousands of free software that can be installed from the GUI app store right on your desktop. And thanks to companies like Snap and Flatpak, you can even install proprietary apps, like Zoom and Spotify, on Linux with ease.

I realize that both MacOS and Windows have a large selection of software to install, but you won’t find the selection of free (and ad-free) software available to install. Additionally, managing installed software is much easier with Linux (either from the command line or GUI). Even better, you can add third-party repositories to your package manager to install even more software. In other words, Linux offers much more flexibility when it comes to installing software.

7. Surprise your friends

As I mentioned earlier, with Linux you can create a desktop environment that is sure to amaze your friends. In my early days, I used to spend hours modifying the AfterStep and Enlightenment window managers to the point where they looked like they were from the future. I used transparencies and window effects that were unheard of in Windows, and everyone who saw my desktops wanted them.

Although few Linux desktops are as flexible as those, there are still desktops (like Xfce, Enlightenment, and KDE Plasma) that can be configured to look like technological works of art. Not only is this a great way to make everyone around you jealous… it’s a lot of fun.

8. Enjoy unprecedented reliability

In the years I’ve been using Linux, I’ve rarely experienced serious problems. Although I once ended up with a hacked server and a rootkit installed, that was an anomaly for me. Other than that, the vast majority of issues I encountered were fixed within minutes. And because Linux gives you all the troubleshooting tools you need to solve problems, solving a problem is usually read from a log file.

Linux just works. It’s really that simple. But the most important thing is that it works, works and works. So if you’re looking for a way to bring the fun, flexibility, ease of use, and reliability back to computing, do yourself a favor and try Linux.

#Linux #MacOS #Windows

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