8 tricks to remove shoe polish stains from clothes

by time news

Clothes can be damaged while you are trying to remove stains from them. So that this does not happen to you, we will explain how to ‘disappear’ bitumen stains from fabrics.

Last update: March 31, 2023

Removing shoe polish stains left on socks, the hem of pants, or the cuff of a long sleeve is difficult if you don’t use the proper methods. This substance has the power to deteriorate fabrics, while erasing it after an incident while polishing shoes.

So that neatness covers everything from clothes to shoes, we will reveal some useful tips on removing the dirt left by shoe polish. But first, let’s get to know the characteristics of the product we are dealing with.

What is shoe polish?

One of the derivatives of the distillation of oil, wood and coal is bitumen. This dense compound is useful in different industrial processes, although in the domestic area it found a place as a shoe polisher.

The Technological Institute of Tuxtla Gutiérrez disclosed in a research paper that said pitch, exclusively for shoes, contains oil, beeswax, vaseline, paraffin, pigment and varsol. All the ingredients are mixed while hot, then they rest and, when they solidify, the wax is obtained.

The properties of the bitumen offer impermeability and adhesiveness; Furthermore, it is not very volatile. Its presentation is creamy or liquid. And although black is the most common, you can find it in other colors such as the following:

  • Gris.
  • Vino.
  • Azul.
  • Café.
  • Rojo.
  • Bone.
  • Blanco.
  • Neutral.
Bitumen is a product used to polish and shine footwear.

Tricks to remove shoe polish stains from clothes

If a bitumen stain settles on your clothes, it is necessary to think with a cool head before acting, since washing immediately is very likely to make the incident worse.

The general recommendations of the Stain Solutions, belonging to an Extension of the University of Illinois, guide the use of penetrating stain removers for clothes, specifying that aerosols are more convenient. The instructions say to saturate with the spray the stained area and wait for the effect in 1 minute.

When the stain is rebellious, consider mild soaking in fabric bleach or oxygen bleach, as well as dry-cleaning solvents, working through the back of the soil with absorbent paper towels.

In all cases, rinse with plenty of water. Other simpler alternatives are the ones that we will present below.

1. Use nail polish remover

Wet a piece of white cloth with nail polish remover and moisten the shoe polish stain. Wait a few minutes before washing with neutral soap, to ensure that no traces of shoe paint remain.

2. Freeze the garment

Actually, it is not about putting clothes for hours in the freezer, but about the use of ice cubes. The technique is to fill a plastic bag with 5 pieces and rub the smeared part with it.

After a few minutes, the shoe polish will be cold and hard.making it easier for you to tear it off with your fingers, with a spatula or with a table knife.

3. Clean with baking soda

Chemical Safety Fact.org It stands out that the chemical properties of sodium bicarbonate improve the efficiency of laundry soap, because they increase the pH level in the water, beneficial for combating dirt in the fibers. This feature is advantageous for getting rid of bitumen stains.

In this option, the procedure consists of remove the excess tar, to submerge the clothes in a gallon that mixes cold water with 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate. After 5 minutes of soaking, wash the garment as you normally would.

4. Wash with detergent and additives

The detergent is more effective if you combine it with glycerin and alcohol. The stain-removing effect is achieved by rubbing the garment for several minutes with glycerin. Next is to soak with liquid detergent and water.

After rinsing, you immerse the clothes in a bucket containing a dilution of alcohol in water. To finish this trick, you carry out the official wash in cold water and with liquid detergent. Drying is in the open air.

5. Spread Vaseline

Softening the stain with petroleum jelly is one way; just spread a little of the substance on a cloth and gently rub the affected area, until you see no traces of the dye. The last thing is to wash the piece with neutral soap and by hand.

It is also feasible to leave the Vaseline for a while to fulfill its function. Then remove with a cloth and wash.

Rubbing a bit of petroleum jelly on the shoe polish stain can help remove it.

6. Apply alcohol

To remove liquid shoe polish stains on clothes, first blot the soil with absorbent paper; in second place, you go through the pigmentation a wet towel with cleaning alcohol and water.

Repeat the process until the clothes are spotless, moistening the cloth in the mixture as many times as necessary. When the stain disappears, wash the garment with detergent and close the cycle with fabric softener.

7. Take off with a spatula

The edge of a spatula is a great help to remove the bitumen lumps. There is not much to explain about this trick, the basics are tackle the stain with the tool and then wash the clothes.

8. Moisten with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide

The mixture of water with vinegar or hydrogen peroxide contributes to the mission of removing shoe polish stains from clothes. If you take them into account, do not forget the strict washing with soap and water.

Precautions when removing shoe polish stains from clothes

According to a guide from the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, the main thing before attacking stains is to read the garment label. According to the labeled instructions, it is possible to practice some of the home methods that we share. But if it is a fine textile, dry cleaning offered by dry cleaners should be used .

As a final recommendation, avoid the heat of the dryer, irons and the sun on the stain, because it will make it more impregnated. First wash and, once there are no traces of bitumen, you can use them to dry.

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