80 perfumes, 50 pairs of shoes – Dortmund is auctioning off lost property

by time news

Dortmund. The city of Dortmund is again auctioning off unclaimed items from the lost property office. There are also some police seizures.

  • Lost property auction by the city of Dortmund’s lost and found office
  • Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024 – auction starts at 6 p.m
  • only online sonderauktionen.net
  • this time 213 auctions, some with several objects in the package
  • The auctioned items are unclaimed lost property and police seizures.

It is auctioned twice a year Lost property office of the city of Dortmund Things that have not been picked up by their owners. Mostly they are Bicycles, cell phones or jewelry. Scooters or tool cases that have been left behind are also often included. This time the auction offering includes:

  • 48 bicycles
  • 18 E-Bikes
  • 10 E-Scooters
  • 67 cell phones
  • 20 AirPods
  • 21 watches and jewelry

The largest share of the finds do of course Cell phones out of. From the iPhone 6 to the latest model, everything is there again, but not always in perfect condition. Only the call function will be tested before the auction. There are also many high-quality pieces of jewelry on the list – including one Gold cat brooch with a minimum bid of 380 euros. These “handy” finds are sent by the service provider GMS.

This time, there are six bulky items (pick up yourself!) Wooden palletsa cement mixerseveral Besteck-Sets and a package with just under 80 perfumes. Also a package of clothes and around 50 pairs of shoes will be auctioned. The items are auctioned online and paid for in cash when picked up at the lost property office (Südwall 2-4) a maximum of two weeks after the end of the auction.

City auctions off police finds and seizures

The rest of 213 The auction consists of the usual items that were handed in to the lost property office or that the police seized during operations and could not assign to an owner. Anything that has not been picked up for more than six months may be auctioned off. At the last auction in September 2023 (at that time there were 135 individual auctions including 22 bags full of Zara clothing), the Dortmund lost property office counted Revenue of 15,000 euros for the city budget. This time the city is not providing an estimate.

The Dortmund lost property office is again auctioning off seized items and unclaimed finds. This time there was a package of clothes and around 50 pairs of shoes. © City of Dortmund

Dortmund found object auctions run via sonderauktionen.net

All auctions take place via the Online platform sonderauktionen.net. In addition to Dortmund, other cities are also represented here. You can already take a look at the items on offer – the Start auctions but not until 6 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

If you miss your own items, you can return them e-fund.eu seek. There are all finds from Dortmund that are still stored and other cities sorted by date and place of discovery – mostly keys and cell phones, but also wedding rings, bags or children’s bikes. Alone in Dortmund lost property office were in the year before last 4029 lost property the city explains. Of course, a large part of them (ID cards, passports, keys…) are not auctioned.

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