81% of Italians are technological, 7 out of 10 seniors use devices

by time news

2023-05-16 23:18:51

Devices and appliances take up more space inside and outside the home, used for all types of activities and to enjoy more connected and richer experiences: the connection and the differences between generations are the fields of analysis of the latest Samsung Trend Radar, created in collaboration with Human Highway, a market research institute specializing in the analysis of changes in human relationships produced by technology and the digital world. The results of the survey show that on many occasions technology favors the interaction of different generations by shortening the distances between GenZ and seniors, parents and children grappling with the use of smartphones, smart TVs or the refrigerator, to name a few, in the will and the need to improve their skills and learn their functionality. Italians almost unanimously recognize how important devices (96%) and household appliances (93%) are in everyday life. Among those who say that devices are very useful in daily life, it is no wonder that 84.3% are GenZ. But well over half of Seniors (69.3%) also consider the usefulness of technological devices to be fundamental in everyday life.

The gap becomes even thinner with regard to household appliances and those who consider them very useful in daily life. In this case, in fact, after the GenZ (76.1%) it is the Seniors (72.8%), while the Millennials arrive last with 70.8%. A return to face-to-face work probably affects the latter, which leads them to live more outside the home. Furthermore, nine out of ten respondents consider themselves “technological people”, i.e. capable of making the best use of devices (92.8%) and household appliances (92.6%). Also in this case, the perception of one’s preparation on the subject differs according to age: the younger people are, the more skilled they are in using devices, with a peak of 75.9% between GenZ and a lower figure , but considerable, (45.5%) among Seniors. Instead, for those who consider themselves very capable in using household appliances, it is curious to note how the values ​​of GenZ (54.3%) and Seniors (55.8%) are similar and decidedly lower than Millennials and adults who claim to be more capable. The data, in this case, highlights how much for practicality and occasion among those with children, those who live together or those who live alone, adults and Millenials find themselves using household appliances more often.

Specifically, for smartphones and tablets, knowledge decreases with increasing age. It starts from 67.3% for GenZ with 9.5 percentage points of difference with Millennials (57.8%), for whom the smartphone is now the main communication and information channel towards the outside world which takes place via chat and social. Even the Tablet is more successful among young people (50.9%) and Millennials (44.1%) because it is used as a tool for study, streaming entertainment and gaming even outside the home. The attention to healthy living and well-being in general, a theme dear to Millennials and Genzers, is reflected in the percentages that see them as practically equal in knowledge of smartwatches (33.5% and 33.2% respectively) dedicated accessory par excellence physical activity and health monitoring. Millennials are the most informed about Smart TVs (47.5%) and Computers (53.1%) followed by the youngest (45.5% and 51% respectively), major users of streaming content, and PCs for work or study needs. When it comes to classic household appliances, however, GenZ emerges as poorly prepared compared to the other age groups; especially as regards the world of washing machines, they reach 27.2%, a sector where Millennials and adults excel with both 41.9%. Not even the Seniors are unprepared, declaring a certain familiarity with the new Washing Machines for 38.4%. Gen Z also declares that they are not very well prepared in using the oven (32.5%), for which again Millennials (44.4%) and Adults (42.4%) are the most expert, a clear reference to a style of life that sees them responsible for the domestic ménage. The refrigerator is the appliance on which the difference in age emerges the least, with a peak of Millennials at 52% and Gen Z in second place with 47.1%, data that reflect their “green attitude” with greater awareness for a healthy diet and greater attention to waste.

If it is true that children are the real reference point for asking for advice on their Smartphone (48.5% of adults declare it), parents are also the reference figure for GenZ (19%). Millennials, on the other hand, turn first to their partner (21.9%). Grandchildren, after children and partners, are a figure that Seniors ask for help with the use of smartphones (7.1%), tablets (7.1%) and computers (6.4%). The situation for the Smartwatch category is very similar, where GenZ remains the main point of reference in case of need for adults (42.9%), testifying to how it is the younger ones who influence the older ones towards this type of device. Even Smart TV brings parents and children together: 21.7% of adults address their children while 22.2% of GenZ address their parents. For Millennials, the partner is always the person with whom you exchange advice and probably share a passion for a certain TV series. Adults seem to fare a little worse when it comes to asking for advice on using the PC, 46.4% of them turn to their children, while the youngest need parents only in 17.7% of cases. How do prospects change if you look at the household appliances sphere? GenZ (62.3%) and Millennials (31.3%) struggling with the washing machine refer above all to parents, as well as for the oven with differences of very few percentage points. The figure of uncles emerges more visibly among those questioned, which reaches 10.7% of young people.

GenZ helps parents the most (the exchange is therefore reciprocal), but also grandparents and uncles or the partner as regards the use of technological tools. The Seniors, however, carve out their own role as educators on the subject: for Gen Z, after the parents, in fact, the grandparents come. As regards devices specifically, the trend sees the younger generations giving help to the older ones: GenZ (54.8%), Millennials (44.8%) and Adults have provided support to their parents to optimize use of the smartphone. The situation for smartwatches and Smart TVs is very similar: the exchange takes place above all in the Smart TV sector where 47.2% of GenZ helps parents. For the computer we see a peak of aid from GenZ to parents (55.5%), but also to grandparents (21.4%). Approximately 2 out of 3 respondents declare that they know connected smart appliances: in particular, the ability to use the Smart TV (73.2%) is highlighted, followed by the Refrigerator (64.2%), Washing machine (62.8%), Oven (60.5%) and Conditioner (56%). Almost one respondent out of 2 between GenZ and Millennials declares to be a strong connoisseur of Smart TV functions (44.3% and 45.9%) – In the same way they know how to use the Refrigerator (33.9% and 32.5%) and the Furnace (30.2% and 32.1%) intelligent. Growing up with age, the greater competence shifts towards the washing machine, for which it is the adults who declare themselves the most prepared (34.4%)

Italians consider themselves increasingly technological: 84.1% of those interviewed declared an exponential increase in the use of devices, while 63.4% of household appliances. Compared to devices, more than half of Seniors declare it (57.6%), ranking only shortly after GenZ (62%). It goes without saying that technology becomes an essential means, 59.2% of Italians say that without it they could no longer do any of their daily activities. But there’s more to it than just practicality according to Trend Radar results. In fact, technology represents a way to easily keep in touch with the family as stated by 88.1% of the sample (86% of Seniors) and also through the support of the youngest in the tech field in the family, which is constant for 79.5% of the interviewees. And there is also a widespread desire to be available and responsible on the part of adults in training and helping the little ones in the online universe (87.2%). Furthermore, Italians are aware of how in addition to the smartphone, a device for which 72% say they can no longer do without, connected appliances can make home management better: 62.5% would like to learn more about them with 50.8% of Seniors declare it.

#Italians #technological #seniors #devices

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