86% of Italians want a psychologist at school, Cnop survey

by time news

2023-05-10 14:32:55

As many as 86% of Italians want a psychologist at school, a figure deemed “useful” to be introduced within our institutions. The figure emerges from the survey carried out by the Piepoli Institute for the National Council of the Order of Psychologists (Cnop) on a representative sample of the Italian population.

Recently, the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara, announcing the arrival of trained tutors in high schools with 20 hours of lessons in psychology and pedagogy to support students, said that “the possibility of introducing the psychologist in schools is being discussed “. For some time now, the Cnop has been underlining the need for this figure, underlining that “the whole world of schools is asking for a qualified presence of psychologists for the promotion of children’s resources, for listening and prevention, to support school staff. The Institute head of health told us that one in two adolescents is at risk: what can we expect?”.

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