“87% of recruited contract workers” already had “teaching experience”, says Pap Ndiaye

by time news

Two weeks after the start of the school year, the Minister ofNational Education ensures that the 4,500 new contract teachers will be entitled to several training courses during the year.

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The Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye wants to be reassuring, Friday September 16 on France Bleu Hérault: “87%” of the 4,500 contract teachers recruited for this new school year already had “teaching experience.”

“We don’t let them go in the deep end like that”reacts the minister. “The vast majority of contract teachers recruited were already teaching last year”he adds, referring to “a sometimes long experience of several years in teaching”. Pap Ndiaye also ensures that “the small number of new contract workers” will be “followed throughout the year with additional training, we will follow them”.

“We hired around 4,500 new contract workers” for this new school year, the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye announced on Monday, September 12 on franceinfo. Before the start of the school year, the president of the secondary school teachers’ union Snes-FSU, Sophie Vénétitay, was worried on franceinfo about an expeditious training of these recruited contract workers: “Teaching is a profession that is learned, you cannot train two days before the start of the school year or between two courses.”

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