88 years old grandmother running handicraft business, cannot see with one eye

by time news

88-year-old Padma Parikh does not like to sit idle, that’s why even at this age, she is making more than one handicraft and selling it online even abroad.

Padma Parikh, 88, of Ahmedabad, does not like to sit idle even at this age. She does her favorite work for four to five hours a day. She was interested in art and craft since childhood, which she has been doing with great interest till date. Not only this, Padma Dadi is also running a handicraft business.

The demand for the products made by her is not limited to India only, rather she is selling her products abroad. His handicraft products have received orders from 10 countries including Canada, America, Japan.

You will be surprised to know that he is blind in one eye and also has knee problems. Despite this, it is their passion that drives them to continue working.

Padma dadi with her products

Padma Dadi has the knack of making the best out of waste. Sometimes she gives a new look to an old purse with crochet, sometimes she recycles plastic into a hand bag. Over the years, he has made more than one thing.

Often people used to come to her and get something made from her and Padma Dadi also used to do this work with great pleasure. But in the year 2019, her granddaughters thought that why not convert Nani’s skill into handicraft business and take it to the world and with this thought she created an Instagram account of Padma Dadi.

Then during the lockdown in the year 2020, he started uploading videos and photos regularly. People liked Padma Dadi’s enthusiasm and her skills so much that she started getting orders through Instagram. She takes the orders of the people according to the time. Many people even get customized things made from them. The colorful crochet birds made by her are her best selling products.

When people ask Padma Dadi, who is running a handicraft business, is she sitting with all the work at this age? So in response she tells everyone that it is better to be busy at every stage of age than to sit idle. You can see or buy the products made by Padma Dadi. Instagram You can contact on

Editing- Archana Dubey

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