88,173 new cases and 194 deaths – time.news

by time news

Data for Tuesday 5th April. The positivity rises to 15%. Over 160 thousand victims overall

I’m 88.173 the new Covid cases in the 24 hours in Italy, against 30,630 yesterday (as always conditioned by the few post-weekend buffers) but above all the 99,457 of a week ago, a reduction on a weekly basis of 11%.
The discharged / healed of the last 24 hours are 88.637 (yesterday 40,915) for a total that has risen to 13,531,567 since the beginning of the pandemic. The current positives are practically unchanged, 83 more (yesterday -9.711), 1.274.388 in all. Of these, 1,263,671 are in home isolation. A total of 14,966,058 Italians have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic.

Deaths increase, 194 (yesterday 125): the total victims since the beginning of the pandemic exceed 160 thousand, 160,103 to be exact. what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health. Here all the bulletins of 2022.

And tampons

The processed swabs are 588,576

(yesterday 211,448, +377 thousand), with a positive rate that rises from 14.5% to 15% (+0,5%).

The health system

I’m 471 patients admitted to intensive care, 12 less than yesterday in the balance between income and expenses. Daily admissions are 57. There are 10,246 hospitalized in ordinary wards, or 5 more than yesterday.

The regions

The region with the largest number of cases today is the Lombardy
with 11,666 infections, followed by Campania (+10.099), Lazio (+9.903), Veneto (+9.080) e Puglia (+8.441).

April 5, 2022 (change April 5, 2022 | 18:35)

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