89.1% pass rate, up from 2022

by time news

2023-07-12 09:03:30

Nearly nine out of ten college students obtained the patent in 2023. Some 756,100 college students were admitted this year, a success rate of 89.1%, up 1.4 points from the previous year, according to provisional results published Tuesday by the National Education. In detail, 27.9% of the candidates obtained the mention very well, 23.4% the mention well, 19.7% fairly well and 18% were received without mention.

The general series, which concerns 90% of registrants, has the highest success rate, with 90.3% of winners, up 1.5 points compared to 2022. Among candidates in the professional series, 78, 1% took the exam, a rate up 0.6 points. In this press release, the Minister of National Education, Pap Ndiaye, “congratulated the students and their teachers and thanked all the staff who contributed to the smooth running of this session”.

Written and oral tests

The college patent is scored on a total of 800 points, which break down between 400 continuous assessment points and 400 final test points (French, mathematics, history-geography, moral and civic education, science and oral). You have to get at least 400 points to get it. French and mathematics are assessed on 100 points, and history-geography and science on 50 points.

This exam also consists of an oral, set up in 2015 and then in 2017 in its current form and assessed on 100 points. It takes place in the form of an individual interview of 15 minutes (5 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of interview).

A relatively stable success rate

Last year, the success rate fell by 0.6 points to 87.5%. In 2020, a year disrupted by the Covid where only continuous monitoring had been taken into account, the success rate had risen to 90.5%. It had been 86.5% in 2019, 87.1% in 2018 and 89% in 2017.

The patent, whose ancestor (the BEPC) was created in 1947, is a diploma which attests to the knowledge and skills acquired at the end of college, at the end of the third class, according to the title of the Ministry of l ‘Education. Passed by teenagers who are mostly 14 or 15 years old, it is therefore located shortly before the end of compulsory education (16 years in France).

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