9 Best Garden Plants for Rainy Climates

by time news

2023-10-10 20:00:02

Water is life and for plants in rainy climates there is nothing better. We present the species that best adapt to humidity so that you have a fantastic garden.

Last update: October 10, 2023

If you like gardening, you will know that You should choose species that are native or adapted to the climate of the place. For this reason, if you live in a place where humidity is the protagonist, you will be interested in knowing this list of garden plants for rainy climates.

Frequent rainfall is beneficial for certain plants, as it provides them with the constant moisture they need to thrive. Do you want to enjoy a green and lush space at home? Here is the list you need!

Create a unique garden with these plants for rainy climates

Not all plants thrive in humid conditions. Those that do, in climates where it rains almost daily, have developed adaptations so that excess water does not affect them.

Therefore, for them, Constant humidity promotes healthy growth. You will notice that the list is made up of many species that stand out for their intense colors and abundant foliage, a product of the use of water.

1. Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas are a great choice for gardens in rainy climates, due to their love of moisture. The flowers of this plant They are like a round bouquet and can be white, pink, blue and purple. They prefer environments with partial shade and moist soils.

For them to bloom during this season, you must keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Apply fertilizer in spring to provide nutrients at flowering time.

2. Ferns

Ferns are a classic choice for shady, damp gardens. These plants will give a tropical touch to your patio and you can have them in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, from delicate specimens with small leaves to giant and imposing trees.

Among their care, it stands out to keep them in constantly moist soils. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

3. Astilbes

Astilbes are known for their elegant plumes of flowers that rise above fluffy, leafy foliage. These plants for rainy climates prefer moisture-rich soil and partial shade. Besides, It is recommended to divide them every few years to maintain their vigor.

4. Coves

The famous coves are plants native to aquatic environments, since They grow on the banks of streams, even in water. For this reason, they are great for green spaces that receive a lot of rain all year round.

The most beautiful thing about them are their showy flowers that add color and elegance to the garden. To care for them, they need enough sunlight, as well as pruning dead leaves from time to time.

5. Philodendro

This species has attractive foliage of large, glossy leaves that vary in shape and color depending on the species. Some of them have dark green leaves, while others can have light green, yellow or even red tones.

There are heart-shaped species and others with lobed or divided leaves. Los Philodendros They are known for their resistance and adaptability; However, direct sunlight should be avoided as it can burn them.

6. Legislation

The ligularias are plants for rainy climates that They add an exotic touch to wet gardens. Its large toothed leaves and spikes of yellow or orange flowers create a striking contrast.

They prefer partial shade. Among your most important precautions is avoiding direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day.

7. Elephant ears

There are several species of plants called “elephant ears.” The best known is the giant alocasia or African alocasia, a tropical plant that is characterized by its large heart-shaped leaves, deep green and with prominent veins. The species can grow in a wide variety of sizes, from small specimens suitable for indoor pots to large specimens that reach significant heights.

To keep the, Direct sunlight should be avoided, as should frost, which can burn its leaves.. Likewise, the substrate must be moist, but not waterlogged; especially during the growing season (spring and summer).

8. Hostas

Hostas are hardy plants that thrive in rainy climates and partial to full shade conditions. Plant them at an appropriate distance to allow air circulation between them and avoid overcrowding, which leads to fungal development.

Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as pine bark, to help conserve soil moisture and suppress weeds. Over time, hostas can become too dense, so divide them in spring or fall.

9. Azaleas

Azaleas are popular ornamental plants that adapt well to humid climates. However, to grow them successfully in rainy contexts, It is important to choose varieties that are known for their resistance: Rhododendron indicaazalea March, Rhododendron japonicumdeciduous azalea, Rhododendron viscosum.

Plant them in a location where they receive indirect light or partial shade. Avoid direct exposure to intense sun. Make sure the soil has good drainage; if not, consider raising the planting bed or adding organic matter (compost).

Your rainy weather garden will be your pride

Choosing appropriate plants is essential for a successful garden in rainy climates. But in addition to choosing the right species, you must follow specific care guidelines for each of them. The idea is to have a garden worthy of admiration, regardless of the weather!

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