The Prefecture takes stock of “Safe Summer” on the Ravenna coast at the end of the bathing season. It examines the measures adopted but also some worrying phenomena of violence that exploded during the summer. The Provincial Committee for Public Order and Security has carried out an initial debriefing of the summer surveillance services that have involved over 230 units of the ordinary and extraordinary police forces (the so-called summer reinforcements) in addition to the units of the local police of Ravenna and Cervia including seasonal workers.
“We are very satisfied with the results of this first assessment of the results obtained – declared the prefect of Ravenna Castrese De Rosa – a normal summer with some fibrillations and episodes that denote a worrying phenomenon that of knives that are circulating in some places where healthy fun should instead prevail, in total 9 episodes that required a firm response from our police forces, in 8 of which the perpetrators were identified, reported or arrested. For this reason we have asked the Mayors to make every possible effort, especially in Cervia, to adopt ordinances and bans that prevent the use of glass bottles or noise emissions after a certain time especially in view of next summer, further strengthening the video surveillance systems and investing resources in strengthening the Local Police staff also on a seasonal basis, to monitor entertainment locations especially at night”.
15-year-old boy stabbed in Marina
A coastline of about 60 km with presences that quintuple in the summer reaching up to 6 million presences requires a total commitment of human resources and adequate means to deal with a nightlife that is sometimes too violent in the Ravenna beaches, even though the episodes that occurred have not led to more dramatic consequences.
The work carried out on the roads of Ravenna by the patrols of the Highway Police (as many as 240) and the local Police has allowed over 1500 people to be checked with breathalysers, only a small part of which exceeded the permitted limits, confirming the strong deployment of forces in the field that had to deal with around 340 accidents in addition to the usual checks on nightlife. To this must be added the budget of the Guardia di Finanza which has implemented an extraordinary plan to combat economic crimes and protect fair competition. Over 530 interventions have been carried out, 17 irregular workers and over 18 thousand articles harmful to public health have been seized, 18 people have been reported and 5 arrests in addition to the seizure of almost 70 kg of cocaine.
Night fights in Lido di Classe, two young people seriously injured
“We promised ourselves – concluded Prefect De Rosa – to draw up a definitive balance at the end of September as the season is not over at all and continues with many sporting events with a strong appeal for fans and companions. I would like to thank the Police Forces and the important role also of the Judicial Authority, in particular the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Ravenna which coordinated the numerous investigations into the episodes of “malamovida” with rigor and inflexibility to nip in the bud phenomena that could have taken an even more worrying turn.”
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Security measures for sporting events
Attention also to major sporting events. The “Dragon Boat” World Championships underway until September 8 in the rowing basin at Standiana in Ravenna, the “Grand Prix Off Shore” World Championship, “Ironman” and the Italian Triathlon Championships all in Cervia in September were examined by the Committee for Public Order and Safety at the opening of the session.
After 10 years from the last edition, the long dragon-shaped canoes have returned to Standiana with 172 teams from 32 countries and 7,000 athletes for 500 scheduled races. After the inauguration last Monday, the safety and security measures have been further reinforced in view of the closing that will take place next Sunday with the closing day and ceremony, especially for the proximity of the body of water from the Mirabilandia Amusement Park which is notoriously stormed in this period by tourists and vacationers.
Also for the main event of September in Cervia, Ironman, the only Italian stage of the great international circuit, 6000 athletes from 82 nations are registered with a total presence, including companions, of 15,000 people who will crowd the tourist resort. The security service is impressive with 400 volunteers for the three races on the program (swimming, cycling race and marathon) which will involve the relative closure of the E45 state road in some parts of Ravenna and Forlì from the morning until 19:00 on Saturday 21 September. The security device will follow that of the previous editions with Police Forces and Local Police to guard the route and a control room that will be coordinated by the Prefecture with a special operations room set up at a beach resort in Cervia, as already happened last year. The security apparatus will then be used for the subsequent triathlon championships scheduled for 28 and 29 September. For the Off Shore Grand Prix scheduled for this weekend, the attendance is smaller and everything will take place involving the Cervia marina area and the shoreline.