9 ways to live healthier for longer

by time news

The body performs autophagy, a mechanism by which cells are cleaned, whereby elements that are no longer effective or necessary are destroyed either by decomposition or excretion. The concept of autophagy can be emulated in how to live well for longer, as it is a key physiological mechanism that has been preserved throughout evolution for the distinct purpose of allowing the human species to thrive, according to Psychology Today.

When autophagy mechanisms are overwhelmed or impaired, cells are unable to function optimally, which can lead to disease or rapid aging. The mechanism of autophagy includes fragmentation, removal of damaged mitochondria, lipogenesis, dissociation of lipids by lysosomal organelles, hypertrophy, and elimination of other cellular proteins.

It should be noted that most neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, are associated with the accumulation of dysregulated or pathological proteins. Impairment of autophagy causes disease, and although the mechanism by which autophagy occurs is still poorly understood, as there are multiple transcription factors, interference of signaling molecules and companion proteins, it is known that regulation of autophagy can be affected by lifestyle, environment and health status. Nutrients and external and internal stresses.

Ways to improve autophagy

1. Calorie restriction: Calorie restriction with intermittent fasting regulates autophagy. Studies show that calorie restriction is linked to a recovery in autophagy in the liver, fat, brain, and muscle, as well as to longer, healthier lives. This is thought to be due to the increased availability of substrates and precursors for other essential biochemical reactions.

2. Nutrition: Intracellular enzymatic reactions require not only substrates but also co-factors for proper functioning. The cofactors are often vitamins that can be obtained from a wide variety of plant foods. Excess proteins and saturated fats impair autophagy because they require a lot of cellular energy to digest, with a consequent increase in reactive oxygen species. Plant foods contain a massive amount of antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress, which can disrupt autophagy.
3. Antioxidants: Food options like berries, broccoli, green tea, turmeric and ginger root should be included to get the right amounts of antioxidants.
4. Avoid harmful nutrients: You should avoid or reduce the intake of oils, saturated fats, dairy products, sugar and processed foods, as they are all inflammatory elements and can overburden the mitochondria, impairing their function and role in autophagy.
5. Exercise and Oxygen Regular exercise improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body by increasing blood flow to vital organs. It also improves transport of mobilized and degraded inflammatory metabolites and by-products. Oxygen enhancement has positive effects on autophagy and can also be achieved by HBOT therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps wounds heal in part because it regulates autophagy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has also been shown to improve neurogenesis and reduce inflammation.
6. Restorative sleep: The glymphatic system and autophagy are significantly activated during sleep. They work synergistically to improve the health and functioning of the brain. You should work hard to respect the everyday nature of the brain and the body as a whole, as this will help improve the quality of sleep. The step can be simple in theory, but it requires motivation and dedication in order to be successful in practice.
7. Gene protection: Chromatin and epigenetic changes by histone modifications can have a significant effect on autophagy. While there is little control over many exposures, an effort must be made to reduce exposure to electromagnetic radiation, chemicals, pollutants and toxins, all of which have post-translational effects on genomes.
8. Amplification of the AMPK protein pathway: AMPK-activated adenosine monophosphate protein kinase is an important enzyme for cellular bioenergetics. During nutrient-depleted states, AMPK is activated to regulate autophagy to maintain homeostasis requirements. Impairment of the AMPK pathway has been associated with aging, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and endocrine dysfunction. Cold temperatures have been shown to regulate AMPK, which is the mainstay of cryotherapy, but it can also be achieved by taking cold showers and applying cold compresses. There are also some medications, such as aspirin or metformin and natural medications such as cordyceps, that can enhance normal AMPK pathways. Intermittent fasting as well as a diet low in saturated fat can also be beneficial.
9. Outdoors and Interaction with Nature: Frequent exposure to nature has been scientifically proven to reduce inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins and interleukins, as well as regulate autophagy inducers.

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