9 x low calorie volume foods

by time news

How do you lose pounds, while you can continue to eat a lot? It is a question that many people are concerned with. The answer is simple: eat a lot of bulk foods and eat large portions that are low in calories. That is responsible weight loss.

Call it volume food, volume food or volume recipes. The foods below have one thing in common: you can eat them well, because they contain few calories, but are filling.

Lose weight with volume foods

Always the disclaimer that for a serious plan to lose weight you must make an appointment with a dietician or general practitioner.

1. Protein fluff

A protein shake is full of good proteins that keep you satiated for a long time. The only disadvantage of shakes is that you drink them quickly, and they often don’t last too long. Handy if you want to gain muscle mass, less handy if you want to lose pounds.

A good replacement for a normal shake is protein fluff. You make this with Micellar Casein proteins, frozen fruit, ice cubes and a small splash of (vegetable) milk. Throw everything in the blender until you get a thick smooth mass. The result is a thick substance that keeps you full for a very long time, for a minimal number of calories.

2. Homemade popcorn

Fancy a savory snack while watching Netflix? Then it’s better to go for popcorn than for chips. Popcorn is much fluffier, which means you can eat more volume than with a bag of chips. For example, it is easier to empty a whole bag of chips than a whole bowl of popcorn. It is best to make the popcorn yourself.

3. Fruit

Fruit is full of vitamins and minerals. You can eat a lot of it, don’t be fooled by stories about sugar bombs et cetera. Opinions differ about what exactly this is about fruit sugars. There is indeed sugar in fruit, but that does not outweigh the healthy vitamins and micronutrients it contains. In addition, you should eat so much fruit to gain weight (due to the often low calories), that you do not often gain weight. Check out the 11 fruits with the fewest calories.

In fact, there are even people who only eat fruit (as you can see in this video from Telegraaf). Fruit is therefore an excellent snack and gives a feeling of satiety.


4. Cucumber

Cucumber also fits at home in this list. Cucumbers contain hardly any calories and are easy to eat as a snack. If you don’t like the taste of bare cucumber, make it more delicious with salt and pepper or other herbs.

5. Other snack foods

There is another wide choice of snack vegetables that you can easily (the name says it all) eat as a snack if you are feeling hungry, but don’t want to start your next meal yet. Think of tomatoes, small carrots, radishes or a whole bell pepper.

6. Vegetables (for lunch or dinner)

Do you feel that you are really not full after lunch or dinner? Then eat some more vegetables. Vegetables are full of fiber, which makes you feel full. The calories of vegetables vary, but in general there are few vegetables with a high calorie value. If you are not full from 200 grams of green beans, eat 400 grams of green beans.

We often hear that people find vegetables boring to eat, but have you ever thought about preparing the vegetables with herbs? Prepare that bag of stir-fry vegetables with Mexican spices or add some curry spices to your dinner. An easy way to give your meal a lot of flavor.

These are the 10 healthiest vegetables to vary with

7. Lean Meat

Meat eaters can get their protein better from lean meat than from fatty meat. The reason is very simple: lean meat contains fewer calories than fatty meat, which in practice means that you can eat more of the lean meat.

Examples of lean meat are chicken fillet (this is how you make it tasty), smoked meat (beef), turkey fillet, pork tenderloin, beef steak and ham steaks.

8. Hot Air

In general, the term “hot air” means nothing positive. But if you want to lose weight, that hot air can bring you a lot. Air is volume, so if you eat a lot of air, you’re more likely to feel full. Think, for example, of puffed grains, the popcorn we talked about earlier or simply a glass of spa red. The latter contains so much air that you become full of it.

9. Oatmeal and Other Fiber-Rich Foods

Other products that contain relatively few calories (but are filling) are products full of fiber. In practice, this often comes down to whole grain products. Think whole grain bread and whole grain rice, but also beans, legumes, oatmeal and potatoes.

These products are generally higher in calories than the other products in this list, but they do help you feel full and satisfied. Great in combination with lots of vegetables and lean meat.


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9 x volume foods with surprisingly few calories

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