915 of the verified last week came from abroad

by time news

Bennett: “Where possible – it’s time to move to work from home”

(Photo: GPO )

A few weeks ago the prime minister called Naftali Bennett For Israelis not to travel abroad – but in practice many still preferred to leave the country, including his wife and children. At the press conference Held tonight (Sunday) He did not refer to the fact that the first Israelis infected with Omicron came through Ben Gurion Airport and some left Israel after asking to stay in Israel.

Bennett’s warning, it seems, was not superfluous – in the last week alone, 915 people who returned from abroad were diagnosed as positive for Corona, many of them vaccinated. This is almost one in five people diagnosed in Israel as verified from Sunday to Saturday last week.

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Government meetingGovernment meeting

Passengers at Ben Gurion Airport last week and Bennett

(Photo: Emil Salman, Reuters)

In first place is the United States with 172 verified who came from it last week, then Britain – which has already turned red – with 156 verified and France with 137. The United Arab Emirates is in fourth place with 94 verified and Turkey at a considerable distance with 43.

From South Africa, which is considered a red country for close to two weeks, 20 positives have reached the virus. In addition, eight verified people came from Tanzania and five from Nigeria, who are also considered red.

(Photo: Uri Davidovich, Noil Harris)

Among the nationals diagnosed on Tuesday who came from non-red countries, an alarming picture emerges regarding the vaccinated: 115 out of 155 nationals from these countries were vaccinated in the first half year of the second or third dose of the vaccine – that is, 74% of Israelis diagnosed on Friday were positive for corona. In contrast, 31 are not vaccinated and the rest with a vaccine that is not valid.

Also on Saturday, 97 of the 114 verified people who came from non-red countries were vaccinated. That is, about 85% of those who came from abroad and received an answer that they were positive for Corona on Saturday were vaccinated.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health updated that 40 new verified species have been identified today, and that so far 175 verified species have been identified in Israel, 113 of which have returned from South Africa, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Italy, Tanzania, Germany, Morocco, Spain , Serbia, Belgium, Cyprus and Turkey.

31 verified were in contact with returnees from South Africa, UK, USA and Spain, 17 were infected in the community and 14 are under investigation. Of the 175 Omicron verified patients – 122 vaccinated – that is, close to 70% of those verified for the new strain have received the second or third dose of the vaccine in the past six months.

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The children's immunization campaign in the town of EfratThe children's immunization campaign in the town of Efrat

The children’s immunization campaign in the locality of Efrat

(Photo: Yoav Dudukovich)

The number verified with Omicron rose from 134 on Friday to 175 today. That is, there is a 30% increase in the number verified in the new breed in two days. On Tuesday last week there were 89 verified for Omicron in Israel, meaning the number verified with the new strain doubled in less than a week.

Bennett said at the press conference: “In my estimation, in 4-3 weeks, maybe before, we will see a spike in morbidity that will leave no room for doubt. The goal is to cross this wave while continuing the economy, economy and education as much as we can. And while we are buying – vaccinate the children of Israel as soon as possible. “

Along with Britain and Denmark, which have been included in the list of red countries, and to which flights are forbidden to Israelis except with special permission, tonight (Sunday to Monday), seven more countries will be included in the list that already contains most African countries. The flight will be banned to the UAE, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Finland, France and Sweden. Those vaccinated for the third time returning from these countries starting at midnight will be required for a week of home isolation, from which they can leave after two negative results on a PCR test, and non-vaccinated will be sent to a motel.

In addition, the government is expected to approve soon to include in the list of red states the United States, Canada, Turkey, Portugal, Germany, Hungary, Belgium and Morocco.

At the same time, the decline in the number of passengers passing through Ben Gurion Airport continues. Over the next day, about 31,000 passengers will pass through the field, almost 16,000 of whom will be Israelis returning home, on one of the 125 incoming flights. Just over 15,000 will migrate overseas, to a world that is beginning to close in on them due to the Omicron variant.

Meanwhile, at midnight 638 Israelis were diagnosed as positive for Corona and the temporary verified rate stands at 1.15%. This is the second day in a row, after many weeks, where the rate of positives stands at more than 1%. The number of critically ill patients has risen slightly compared to this morning and stands at 84. About 77% of critically ill patients are not vaccinated at all.


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