92% of young people value physical and emotional health equally

by time news

2023-10-03 08:38:12

According to a survey carried out by Merck, nine out of ten young Spaniards give the same importance to emotional health as to physical health. The data shows that women are the ones who prioritize mental well-being the most and reflect the commitment of new generations to mental health and its challenges.

The science and technology company Merck has carried out a survey among young Spaniards with the aim of analyzing the importance and commitment of new generations with physical and mental health and emotional well-being.

The results of this study show that at least nine out of ten young Spaniards ( 92 % ) and provided lthe same importance to emotional health as to physical health. These figures are higher in women (66%), since they prioritize their well-being twelve points more than men (54%). However, the difference between the two is minimal in terms of concern for physical health.

The survey, which included GAD3 technical supporthas addressed 7,500 young people between 19 and 36 years old in different European countries (Spain, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).m

Emotional health, a priority for young Spaniards

Both the millennial generation and generation Z denote a special interest in your emotional health, equally prioritizing the care of your body and mind.

According to the survey, 61% of Spanish millennials consider emotional health a very important aspect in their lives, above 56% of Generation Z and the European average. Thus, the former become the group that gives the most importance to mental health.

In Spain at least 7 out of 10 young people Respondents assure that mental and emotional health are common topics among social gatherings, hangouts with friends, social environment… This information stands out above the rest of Europe.

Marieta Jiménez, president of Merck Healthcare in Europenotes that young Europeans value both their emotional and physical well-being and adds: “Many occupy leadership positions in large companies and public positions and are transforming work, sustainability, diversity or digitalization models.”

“We must listen to them, know what their concerns and priorities are and give them their place and responsibility in the design of the future we long for,” he maintains.

How important are the following aspects in your life? Responses from young people.

In the work environment, the importance given to emotional well-being of employees. Young people in a workplace fundamentally value the good work environment and decent conditions to make life and work compatible.

Therefore, 7 out of 10 young people if they were CEOs of a company or companythey would prioritize programs that improve physical and emotional health from the workers.

The emotional health of young people and the social media environment

According to the survey carried out by Merck, 52% of young people affirm that social networks are a very important part of them. He percentage is higher among millennials (54%) than in young people of generation Z (48%).

Between the beneficial effects of this rootedness in platforms and networks, it stands out that 8 out of every 10 young Spaniards affirm, with a lot or quite a bit of certainty, that Social networks are a source of inspiration to learn new skills.

On the other hand, almost 70% think they help boost the ability to find social communities with similar tastes.

However, the study also reveals that, in Spain, 64% of millennials y 60% of Zs recognize that social networks increase stress and anxiety, above the European average (58 percent).

In fact, almost half (45%) confess to having experienced, to a great or fair extent, “fear of missing out.” This feeling of anxiety is known as “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out, for its acronym in English).

Furthermore, technology has also left its mark on the attention span of young people, and 62 percent of young Spaniards between 16 and 39 years old claim to have lost concentration.

How important are the following aspects in your life? Image provided.

Artificial intelligence, research and innovation

48% of young Europeans and 46% of Spaniards believe that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

However, at least the 15% are concerned about the consequences of unethical use of AI.

Furthermore, 80% of young Spaniards understand the innovation as an investment and not as an expense. This is how they describe how they would like the health system to work in the future.

The president of Merck Spain, Manuel Zafra, states: “It is promising to see that young people in our country, and also Europeans, are perceiving research and innovation as the answer to the challenges of the present and the future. The next generations have to be clear that this is the path to improve our social, work and environmental environment.

“We have to protect the interest of these young people in R&D&I,” adds the president.

Regarding reproductive health

And 73% of young Spaniards consider the possibility of having children in the future compared to 70% of the European average. Furthermore, there is a gap of 10 points between Spain and the European average in terms of interest in sexual health.

On the other hand, 6 in 10 millennials and Gen Z would like to increase public awareness about infertility and the factors that cause it.

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