Fatal stab wounds after a shoulder blow in Noisy-le-Sec: 25 years and 15 years of imprisonment against the perpetrators

by time news

The Assize Court of Seine-Saint-Denis did not retain any mitigating circumstances for the main author of the fatal stabbings tried for four days. On Friday, Frédéric Rayapin, 32, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for repeat murder. He admitted during the trial to having stabbed five stab wounds, two of which proved fatal to Mohamed Yassin, 25, on November 29, 2019 in Noisy-le-Sec, VTC driver and man without stories.

A sentence that followed in all respects the requisitions of the Advocate General. Me Mbeko Tabula, Frédéric Rayapin’s lawyer, announced this weekend that he was going to appeal. “I regret that the tragic death of this victim prevents us from thinking seriously about what really happened,” notes counsel for the accused.

The main author in a state of recidivism

Youri Viravagonvin, 31, his accomplice and cousin who was accused of murder, received a lesser sentence of 15 years in prison. 18 years was required. His lawyer Me Lucas Minkowski indicated that he was also going to appeal. Two of the five stab wounds had been attributed to him, but the 30-year-old has always denied having carried them. The video images showed him with a knife in his hand, but they did not confirm that he had used it against Mohamed.

Frédéric Rayapin was in a state of legal recidivism. For aggravated violence committed in Guadeloupe, he was sentenced in 2010 to four years in prison, one of which was suspended.

The reasons for this murder turned out to be very ridiculous in the face of the extreme violence deployed. A shoulder rubbing reproached to Mohamed by the two accused as he passed them on a sidewalk, then racist insults allegedly uttered against them. During the proceedings, Frédéric Rayapin admitted that the victim had never uttered racist insults, contrary to what he had maintained during his first hearings before the police.

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