Diagnostic capabilities are among the most advanced in the world at the Carmel nursery and nursery in Haifa – live here

by time news

One of the most advanced ultrasound and echocardiogram devices in the world, donated to the preemie and baby nursery in Carmel by the Zim company

The Prematurity Department and the Children’s Department at Carmel Hospital have been updated with an ultrasound and echocardiogram device, one of the most advanced in the world. The new US device makes it possible to scan even the smallest premature hearts with the highest resolution and quality. Our diagnostic capabilities from a cardiac point of view in the nursery and in the preterm hospital.”

Donated by the company ‘Zim’

A US device at a cost of about a quarter of a million NIS was donated to Carmel Hospital for the benefit of the hospital’s preterm and children’s department. The EPIQ Premium model device of the global Philips company was donated to the hospital by the Zim company and the company’s CEO Mr. Eli Glickman and company executives who came to the ceremony to remove the lot from the device, along with representatives of the pediatric department, maternity and the management of Carmel Hospital.

CEO of Zim Eli Glickman, Dr. Keren Lavi Nevo and director of Carmel Dr. Avi Goldberg (Photo: Eli Dadon)

Critical for diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Yifat Nir David, a pediatric cardiologist in Carmel, updates that the US device is an essential and critical device for diagnosing and choosing the right treatment for cardiac problems in premature infants, newborns and children.

“Until today, our ability to accurately see the small blood vessels in the small hearts of premature babies was low and limited due to low resolutions in the old devices. The introduction of the new device significantly jumps us forward in our diagnostic capabilities and in providing the best treatment to children and premature babies.”

Dr. Yifat Nir David with the new US device (Photo: Eli Dadon)

will help with the accuracy of the diagnoses and the adjustment of the treatment

The director of prenatal care in Carmel, Dr. Keren Lavi Nevo, explains that due to the advanced capabilities of the new device and its very high level of resolution, it will allow the team to see with great precision the small blood vessels of babies and premature babies. The new and most advanced image processing and decoding software in the world. “Some premature babies have heart problems typical of premature babies, some have heart defects and rare defects, so the device is very essential and will help us make more accurate diagnoses and adjust the treatment,” said Dr. Lavia Nebo.

Pegait Carmel is one of the leading centers of excellence of Carmel Hospital, and for 6 years in a row it has been selected as the best obstetrician in Israel, according to the indicators of the Ministry of Health.

Pegait Carmel receives and cares for about 400 babies a year, half of them premature, and is equipped with about 20 advanced treatment beds, and works in close cooperation with many medical specialists from the pediatric department, including pediatric cardiology, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric infectious diseases, pediatric rheumatologist, pediatric nephrology, immunology Children and pediatric neurology.

Additional articles in Haifa – Haifa News:

A significant contribution

The director of the children’s department in Carmel, Prof. Giora Filler, thanked the ZIM company for their considerable contribution and said that the Carmel hospital is a community hospital and the doctors of the children’s department are spread out and are deep within the community. “We continue to grow and develop in the department’s services, especially in the field of cardiology, and your contribution is an important and significant tool for the department, and the biggest beneficiaries are of course the children,” said Prof. Piller.

The director of the hospital, Dr. Avi Goldberg, presented the strengths of the Carmel Hospital and its centers of excellence, including the prenatal and children’s department, to Zim company executives.

The new US device (photo: Eli Dadon)

From the heart

“When we say “Carmel from the bottom of my heart” we also mean our children’s cardiology. Children’s cardiology is a center of excellence and the department enables a strong connection to the community, a continuum of care and a high-level patient experience. Unfortunately, the development of the hospital and the development budgets are small and limited, so your contribution is very important and we are happy and thank you for The donation,” Carmel director Dr. Goldberg acknowledged to Zim.

The Zim company, the donor, was represented at the event by Kobi Baruch, Vice President of Human Resources, Paige Greenberg, Director of the Human Resources Division, and the company’s CEO, Mr. Eli Glickman, who said:
“The future of the children concerns all of us, we were happy and we are happy and proud to donate to the hospital. This year the Zim company increased its donations to the community, we donated a lot of money to organizations and associations and we are happy about the partnership with Carmel Hospital.”

Broad general

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