Groningen GPs are starting a campaign against scabies

by time news

Students still suffer from scabies. The number has doubled in three weeks. GPs from Studentarts are therefore starting a campaign, in collaboration with student associations in the city of Groningen. In the Groningen region, the number of scabies cases has risen from 36 to 66 per 100,000 residents. This is reported by RTV Noord.

You get scabies by having skin-to-skin contact for at least 15 minutes. It is easy to treat, but the treatment with a special kind of ointment will come just right. From the jawline to the soles of the feet, everything must be meticulously rubbed.

No shame

Eradicating the parasite is one thing, but keeping it from coming back is a tough job. Students are no longer ashamed of their infection. GPs are also happy with this, because it also means that patients go to the GP more quickly. When not much was known about scabies in the beginning, students were quite ashamed.


The treatment is very accessible. If someone with scabies reports to their doctor, they can start applying the cream the same day.

By: National Care Guide

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