This is the most popular cover of the year

by time news

Dhe “pillars of creation” also carry the FAZ magazine. Because the photo taken by the James Webb telescope of the Eagle Nebula, which is 6,500 light-years away, the title of the December issue, was voted by far the most popular cover motif of our magazine in 2022 in a voting on FAZ.NET at the weekend. Of the 1,075 people who voted on the 14 titles by Monday morning, 17 percent opted for the space telescope’s sensational image.

The front runner is atypical, if only because no human – not even an extraterrestrial – can be seen in the picture. This is actually unusual for magazine covers. But supplements from newspapers don’t have to smile directly at as many potential buyers as possible at the kiosk.

Approval for the stars that illuminate gas and dust in their surroundings is probably not only due to the astronomical interest of the readers. The motif simply took on the pre-Christmas mood.

And the other positively rated covers also show decorative exuberance: The flowers by florist Victor Breuer, which Stefan Finger photographed for the January issue, took second place. Third place went to the model captured by Yavidan Castillo at the Fallas festival in Valencia in July. And the number four also impresses with its colours: the punk, which the artist Meral Alma painted (photographed by Marcus Simaitis), adorned the cover of the beauty special that was included with the Sunday newspaper at the end of March.


In gray times, people seem to want to see colors. Another trend: men are not well received. Even the bullfighter that Timm Kölln photographed only came in fifth. The smoking Kurt Krömer (by Jens Gyarmaty) even had to settle for ninth place. Unfortunately, the stronger sex gives a weak picture.

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