“We are witnessing a colonization of the state apparatus by external influences and by special interests” Michel Cucchi

by time news

Michel Cucchi, doctor of medicine and executive of the hospital public service, is the guest of this new “Essential interview” in which he comes to present his book to us Influences and pandemics, risky experiments and authoritarian temptations. A text that explains how the “public decision”during the covid-19 epidemic, ceased to serve the general interest to serve private interests, “influencers” who respond to a “industrial agenda”.

A graduate in medicine and specialized in medical biology, Michel Cucchi is not registered with the Order of Physicians. “It already saves me a court”, he said. He expresses himself in his book as a civil servant, without being “completely free” of his words. “The 200-page book does not contain revelations about, for example, the internal workings of the hospital or things that relate to the past life of the hospitals”, he warns. Recalling its obligation of reserve, it explains its methodology, which consisted of “search in the public documentation for anything that can shed light on the phenomena that we have experienced in recent years”.

Hippocratic oath ‘broken’

He thus considers, as a civil servant, to have the right to “give the public the elements to understand in the fairest and most informed way possible” comment “we arrived at this string of absurd silences which were neither of general interest nor of scientific rigor”. Michel Cucchi affirms in this interview that the “Hippocratic oath has been broken” during the coronavirus epidemic. “In this oath, there is the notion of trust that must be honored with regard to one’s patient. The notion of public confidence in the institutions that govern it is essential. It’s the same report. The events we have experienced have damaged this confidence”, he said.

A “sprain” car “doctors were called upon to obey a rule, which did not even come from the Council of the Order but from the government” as part of a “normative medicine”. “The Hippocratic oath is clear on this: honoring trust is greater than the pressure a government can put on a doctor”, he recalls. He also points out that evidence-based medicine revolves around three circles, “namely the most current scientific data, the judgment and the experience of the doctor as well as the will of the patient”. “Under no circumstances, says this official, should scientific data impose itself on the conscience of the doctor and the will of the patient.”

A “colonization of the state apparatus”

In his book, Michel Cucchi explains how the public decision was “captured” by “external influences”. “We listed these influencers, like the pharmaceutical industry”, he explains. The medical doctor further explains that “the integrity of public decision-making is guaranteed by a civil servant body”. A civil servant, he continues, “is the guarantor of the integrity of public decision-making and works to ensure that the decisions taken are consistent with the democratic project of society and then that they are effectively protected and immunized from certain external influences”.

However, the book deals precisely with “the capture of public decision-making since we have people who are in a position to decide for the public but who work for particular interests”. Michel Cucchi even mentions “a colonization of the state apparatus by particular interests. The decisions become biased from the point of view of the general interest and finally, they do not comply with a tacit mission of the decision maker who will comply with unidentified sponsors”.

It talks about decisions “taken on the basis of hidden, non-explicit criteria”. “Even more serious, accountability is no longer made to the public but more to the principals”. The official warns of a “stepping outside the bounds of the democratic game”. “It reminds me of the notion of deinstitutionalization of institutions which are only screens for groups, oligarchies or kleptocracies which arbitrate for their own account”he says.

“The health of populations is lost sight of”

He cites as an example the case of the REACTing consortium and the Gilead laboratory, “whose private interests were present in the failed marketing of the drug Remdesivir”. “Instead of a national strategy to fight the pandemic, we were entitled to a therapeutic trial on a general population to justify the marketing of a drug which was in this case Remdesivir, quickly abandoned. it was so bad and toxic but which, in the meantime, has been bought by European authorities”.

Our guest also quotes “the influence of capitalist philanthropic organizations” and their influence on WHO decisions. These NGOs, “under the guise of charity, have a perfectly identified industrial agenda and manage, through the level of funding, to capture and decisively influence public decision-making”.

He adds : “Since the WHO has been singing the virtues of the vaccine, it has forgotten to do what it traditionally did, to take care of community health, to work on prevention and the promotion of health (…) it is something something that is not linked to the state of science but industrial objectives. The health of populations is lost sight of,” he concludes.

A “capture of public decision” which would also be the cause of “possible scientific fraud”who “fall within the jurisdiction of the administrative or even criminal court so that we can reestablish a form of truth, being the foundation of the confidence that we can have in the institutions”.

Influence and pandemicby Michel Cucchi, Marco Pietteur, 220 pages, €20.

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