“You sent bullies to harass; you were and remain a weak man” • Netanyahu and Lapid in battle..

by time news

A heated battle of attacks this evening (Monday) between outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, following incitement against a group of ultra-Orthodox girls in Ramat Gan.

Netanyahu accused Lapid and Lieberman of “wild incitement against the ultra-Orthodox public”, which gave or signaled the difficult things, and in response Lapid attacked him with shame: “You were and remain a weak man.”

The remarks came after a woman, a resident of the Marom Neve neighborhood in Ramat Gan, called a group of ultra-Orthodox girls in Bnei Brak, who came to the playground there, that they are “like termites” and that “you are not related to us in any way.”

In response, Netanyahu, as mentioned, condemned the statements and pointed an accusing finger at Lapid. “What a shocking statement. I strongly condemn the verbal, anti-Semitic and horrifying violence against the ultra-orthodox public,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter this evening.

The prime minister-designate added: “Lapid and Lieberman’s wild incitement against the ultra-Orthodox public is showing its signs. I call on those politicians, who for years have been inciting against the ultra-Orthodox public, to condemn this serious incitement – and one minute earlier.”

Lapedi, as stated, was not obliged and attacked Netanyahu. According to the outgoing Prime Minister, “Netanyahu, you were and remain a weak man and a great instigator in the history of the State of Israel, you will not tell me who to condemn.”

A short time earlier, Netanyahu attacked Lapid, in the background of the World Cup match that ended tonight, and accused him of not reporting the election results. This time too, Lapid responded sharply.

“Yair Lapid fails to kick the goal even after the final whistle. He still does not address the election results – Lapid lost and the right won. Very soon we will establish a strong right-wing government that will correct Lapid’s failings and take care of all Israeli citizens,” Netanyahu wrote.

In response, Lapid tweeted: “Netanyahu, who sent thugs to harass the children of MKs on the way to school, offered jobs to Knesset members to defect from the coalition and operated a foreign-funded poison machine to spread ugly lies about an elected government – will not give me lectures about ‘accepting the results’ the elections”.

Knesset member Michal Shir from Yesh Atid responded to Netanyahu: “Did the acting prime ministers (Ben Gabir, Smotritz and Deri) approve this version for you? Because according to them, they are coming today to correct not the outgoing government but what you have never done – because you are only From the right wing, but in practice it’s full of hot air and, above all, weak. By the way, your goal in Delay is so serious that it doesn’t exist at this point.”

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