Harvey Weinstein found guilty of rape and two sexual assaults in Los Angeles

by time news

The septuagenarian, who is already serving a 23-year prison sentence after his conviction in New York in 2020, faces this time up to 24 years in the event of aggravating circumstances.

Former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein was found guilty Monday evening, December 19, of rape and two sexual assaults at the end of his trial in Los Angeles, almost half of the charges for which he was chased by four women. After two weeks of deliberation, the jurors found him guilty on all charges brought by the first of the four accusers. They found him not guilty on the charges of a second woman, and did not issue a verdict on the allegations made by the other two.

The 70-year-old former ‘king’ of cinema, who produced award-winning hits like Pulp Fiction or The Artist, is already serving a 23-year prison sentence after his conviction in New York in 2020 for similar acts. The press investigations that revealed these facts were at the origin of #MeToo, a global movement for the liberation of women’s voices on gender-based and sexual violence.

During this retrial, four women testifying anonymously accused the producer in great detail of forcing them to have sex in hotels in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles between 2004 and 2013. A fifth ultimately refused to testify . After weeks of trying hearings, often interrupted by the sobs of the plaintiffs, the prosecution had portrayed Harvey Weinstein as an all-powerful ogre, a “predator” whose stranglehold on Hollywood – the films he produced have received more than 330 Oscar nominations and 81 statuettes – has long kept his victims from speaking out, for fear of career repercussions.

Up to 24 years in prison

In a gray suit on Monday, the former movie giant buried his head in his hands as the convictions were handed down. After this verdict, a judge must still decide on the sentence of Harvey Weinstein. For the three counts of which he was found guilty, the septuagenarian faces a sentence of up to 18 years in prison. A maximum which could be increased to 24 years, depending on certain aggravating circumstances on which the jury must still decide.

US Attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing Miriam Haleyi and Anabella Sciorra in the lawsuit. DAVID SWANSON/AFP

The verdict of this new trial in Los Angeles was particularly important for the ex-producer. Because after an initial refusal of justice, the New York Supreme Court finally authorized him in August to appeal his 2020 conviction, an initial decision which had been a major victory for the #MeToo movement. Combative, his defense systematically questioned the word of the four accusers during the trial and insisted on the lack of material evidence and forensic elements. “Tears don’t tell the truth”had thus launched Alan Jackson, one of the producer’s lawyers, castigating an accusation which “rests entirely” on the jury’s willingness to believe the complainants.

Harvey Weinstein will never rape another woman again. He will spend the rest of his life where he deserves, behind bars.

Jennifer Siebel-Newsom

Harvey Weinstein’s defense had particularly incriminated Jennifer Siebel-Newsom, the wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom, who revealed her identity during the trial. According to the defense, she had a consensual relationship in exchange for favors in Hollywood, which she later regretted and turned into accusations, surfing on the avalanche of revelations aimed at Harvey Weinstein at the start of the #MeToo movement in 2017. which instilled doubt in jurors: Jennifer Siebel-Newsom is one of two women for whom they have not rendered a verdict.

In a press release, the actress focused on the partial conviction pronounced on Monday. “Harvey Weinstein will never rape another woman again“, she rejoiced. “He will spend the rest of his life where he deserves, behind bars.Jennifer Siebel-Newsom, however, pointed out, “sexism, misogyny and bullying tacticsused by Harvey Weinstein’s lawyers to “ridicule us survivors». «This trial has been a powerful reminder of the work we still have to do as a society.“, she estimated.

In total, nearly 90 women, including Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and Rosanna Arquette, have accused Harvey Weinstein of harassment, sexual assault or rape. But the statute of limitations has been exceeded in many of these cases, some dating back to 1977. The ex-producer is also charged in the United Kingdom with sexual assaults which date back to 1996.

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