Shaul Tevet is responding to the fire in Jasmino and hopes to be back in business within a week

by time news

Between the World Cup and the formation of the government there is not much room for news, but theA fire broke out in Jasmino Definitely took place. A short in the electrical cabinet caused damage that appeared to be significant, to which was added water damage caused as a result of extinguishing the fire by the firefighters. But the day after, the owner Shaul Tevet sounds reassured and even manages to maintain optimism. “The place looks like someone who just got out of plastic surgery,” he laughs, “but we are already starting the restoration process. I believe that within a reasonable time, a few days to a week, we will reopen. Of course, during the renovation we will know more. The fire department did a good job and overall the event Closes quickly. More damage or less damage – the main thing is that we are whole and healthy. We say thank you for everything.”

The pita stand that became mythology – and you will immediately understand how much – was established about six years ago. Its hallmark is an endless line of customers waiting for pita With kebab, chicken, sausages, chicken, excellent spicy veal heart and other dream meats. Just the other day, during the World Cup finals, a teaser appeared on the Facebook page of the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality, “Just updating that there is talk that there is no queue at Jasmino at the moment”, evidence of the place the booth occupies in the fabric of urban life. The timing, in retrospect, turned out to be ironic. “I’m not on social media, but I know that they love Jasmino a lot,” says Tabet, “It’s nice to know that we’re interesting, and I especially like to see it through people who come to eat. It’s exciting.”

The main thing is that everyone is healthy. Jasmino after the fire (photo: Nathalie Moon)

What is Jasmino’s secret?
“There is no secret. Honestly there is none. There is no secret spice that someone brought from Iraq many years ago or something like that. We just come to work, that’s all. There is no shortage of people in the city who make good, even very good, pita meat. Almost nothing has changed since the opening, only in Nuenssimf And we didn’t want to add because it’s not true. We add one thing and then drag more and more. We don’t know anything that someone else doesn’t know and we’re not smarter than everyone else.”

When you opened, did you imagine that Jasmino would be such a resounding success?
“We try not to get carried away,” laughs Tevat, “of course we thought there was room for a stand like Jasmino, but we didn’t imagine the dimensions of success and love. I didn’t think it would be like this. We did it for the sake of doing and to survive. I wanted to open a pita stand a long time ago, even before Stephan Brown. In a restaurant, you have to serve a side dish and we are in net things. Stephan Brown operated for almost 17 years in an indoor space and some people didn’t come in because they didn’t feel it was for them. Jasmino is on the street and everyone comes to it, from all walks of life. We mainly deal as we are They want to do it and it’s gratifying, because these are the simple things.”

To the question of whether there is a chance that he will open another branch for Jasmino, Tevat answers strongly in the negative. In fact, the answer comes even before we finish the question. “I don’t know how to work in two places,” he says firmly. “It is true that we have Shansky Baransky, but he is different and manages in a different way. We are in Jasmino all the time and that is why we rejected offers, and there were many.”

there are none but Him.  Jasmino (photo: Anatoly Michaelou)

there are none but Him. Jasmino (photo: Anatoly Michaelou)

What will happen in a year? In five years?
“I have no idea. The environment is changing and it is hostile. Difficulties are being piled on businesses and there is a tendency to start cleaning the city. The building where Stefan Brown worked has become a residence for capable people who don’t like us being near them. The dark forces are trying to close us down.”

But even the municipality recognizes that you are an institution.
“The municipality supports us and the relationship along the way is very good. We were very excited when a messenger came in Corona and gave us a check for a property tax refund. It’s nice that they think of us, and not only us. But since the environment is changing, you never know. I can guarantee that for us Jasmino will not become network and we won’t start selling something else. There is uncertainty and I like it. If there was something else I would like what is there. Of course I didn’t have fun flying out of bed yesterday morning, arriving at the business and seeing it burned down but that’s what happened. If there is a little action – why No. I accept everything.”

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