They hacked and hacked: 8 Bedouins were arrested on suspicion of stealing ammunition from the Sde Yemen base

by time news

In the last two months, eight Israeli citizens, residents of the Tarabin al-Sana settlement in the Bedouin diaspora in the Negev, were detained for questioning on suspicion of breaking into an IDF base in the south last October.

During the break-in, tens of thousands of items of projectile ammunition were stolen from a bunker at the base, causing damage to the base fence and the bunker structure.

As part of the investigation by the Shin Bet and the police, it emerged that the break-in to the IDF base was carried out by a number of people involved – among them Haron A-Sane, Mamon A-Sane, Muhammad A-Sane and Hamed A-Sane.

The suspects arrived in the dead of night at the Yemen Field base in the Negev, cut the base fence, and stole dozens of boxes of ammunition from a military bunker. Hamed al-Sanae and Abdul Karim al-Sanae were even involved in another break-in incident at the base.

From the investigation materials accumulated by the Shin Bet and the Anti-Corruption Division in the Negev Central Unit, it emerged that later Abdul Karim al-Sanae and Tarek al-Sanae worked to sell the ammunition.

During the covert operation, two more suspects were arrested – Asmat Abu Alyon and Udai Abu Sarihan, residents of Tel Sheva, who purchased the ammunition from the suspects. During their investigation, they admitted what was attributed to them and even handed over some of the stolen ammunition – to the security forces.

The investigation also revealed that all the detainees also committed various crimes with weapons, along with many criminal offenses.

During the period, two additional suspects, residents of Tarabin al-Sana, were arrested on suspicion of their involvement in the outbreak.

With the end of their investigations by the Shin Bet and the Criminal Division of the Negev District of the Israel Police, prosecutorial statements were submitted this week and in the coming days the Southern District Attorney’s Office is expected to file indictments in the matters.

“The General Security Service and the Israel Police take very seriously any involvement of Israeli citizens in security activities, including breaking into IDF bases and stealing ammunition and military equipment, which may come into the hands of terrorist elements, and be used to carry out terrorist activities against Israelis,” the police statement said.

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