A microphone captures Jacinda Ardern calling a deputy an “arrogant asshole”

by time news

The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardernwas caught this Tuesday calling an “arrogant jerk” to a opposition deputy in Parliamentin a private comment caught on the microphone of his seat.

After the controversy, Ardern wrote a text message apologizing to the deputy David Seymour, of the liberal party ACT New Zealand, whom he had insulted after an intervention by him at the parliamentary headquarters in Wellington.

In statements to local media, Seymour, the only deputy from his party in the Legislative, indicated that the prime minister wrote him a message that said “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that” and that he replied wishing you a Merry Christmas and that the matter was settled.

In his speech before the insult, the deputy, of neoliberal ideologyasked Ardern about inflation, crime and challenged her to count at least once in which the Government has been wrong, has recognized it and has done something to solve it.

the common good

The Labor Prime Minister responded that her government was not perfect but that He made decisions with the common good in mind. and, when sitting down, he commented in a low voice with a colleague from his bench that the deputy was a “arrogant prick” (“arrogant cocoon”), but the microphones picked up the expression.

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ACT New Zealand, who defends the lowering of taxes, strong hand against crime and is contrary to policies against the climate crisisobtained more than 219,000 votes, 7.58 percent, in the 2020 elections, a big jump from the 13,075 votes obtained in 2017.

Under Ardern’s leadership, the progressive Labor Party won the 2017 elections with a simple majority and then obtained an absolute majority in 2020, winning 65 of the 120 members of Parliament.

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