Administrative cease and desist order for the “Cafe Cafe” Grand Canyon branch, Simcha Golan 54 Haifa and an invitation to a hearing – live here

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Notice from the Ministry of Health Administrative suspension order for the restaurant “Cafe Cafe” Grand Canyon branch, Simcha Golan 54 Haifa and an invitation to a hearing

Reference: sanitary audit report dated 2022.12.20 from the Ministry of Defense

As part of the order, you may not take out, market and/or make any use of all the products in the restaurant and you may not bring any products into the business until a different instruction is issued.
Issuing the order in light of the findings of the audit conducted at the business on 12/20/2022 by the inspector of the Department of Environmental Health with the participation of inspectors from the Municipal Inspection of the Municipality of Haifa.
In this audit, it was found that the business is in a very poor sanitary condition with serious deficiencies that pose an immediate danger to public health. Moreover, the business operates without a business license.+

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Below is a breakdown of the essential deficiencies that were grounds for issuing the order:

1. During the audit, dozens of live cockroaches were observed in the food handling area in the kitchen.
2. Defrosting of meat products is carried out in the refrigerator of raw food and ready-to-eat food together. process
The defrosting is wrong and is carried out against the regulations.
3. In the refrigerator where the defrosting process is carried out, raw and ready-to-eat food products are kept, ie
which may cause cross-contamination. Also, the refrigerator has many molds, a lot of rust, it is obvious that it has not been cleaned
for a long time and dead cockroaches were found in it.
4. Found expired products that are not suitable for consumption
5. It was found that food products are prepared in advance for use contrary to the regulations (pasta from 10.31,
Quinoa and lentils from 12.16.)
6. It was found that salads and sensitive products such as cheeses and tuna salads are kept for several days and are not
worthy of food (12.16.)
7. The salad refrigerator is not working properly and the temperature was measured higher than the allowed 18-23 CET for sensitive products
such as a tuna and cheese salad instead of 5 MAZ as required.
8. All the refrigerators in the kitchen area are in a very poor sanitary condition: a lot of dirt, molds, shelves
Rusty, sealing rubbers are not working.
9. Sensitive products, such as cheeses, are kept near the fire and a temperature of 26 C was measured instead of up to 4
CPA as required.
10. It seems that there are no designated work sections for handling the various food products: fish, meat, poultry
and handling vegetables.
11. There is no disinfection procedure for vegetables.
12. All the fixed equipment is in poor condition: rusty, worn and requires thorough cleaning.
13. In the kitchen area, open food products are stored in inappropriate places. For example, Furry
Bread for coating are kept above a raw food refrigerator.
14. In the warehouse, eggs are kept on the floor without elevation and without refrigeration.
15. The shelves in the warehouse are in very poor condition: rusty and not clean.
16. The freezers lying in the warehouse are in poor condition: they are not clean and temporary plastic surfaces are in place
Freezer doors.
17. Lemonade containers are stored in the egg refrigerator in the warehouse

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