Gantz was again attacked at the Western Wall and the attacker boasted: “Of course I couldn’t keep quiet and I shouted”

by time news

Again attacked at the Kotel: Outgoing Defense Minister Benny Gantz arrived at the Western Wall this evening (Tuesday) for a candle lighting ceremony, when he arrived at the Wall some people started shouting insults at him. For Gantz, this is not the first time chants are read during his visit to the Western Wall. One of the people shouting at Gantz was Moshe Miron, the same Miron who also interrupted Naftali Bennett’s speech during the Memorial Day ceremony.

Watch Miron yelling at Gantz during his visit to the Western Wall:

Miron himself uploaded a photo of the event to Twitter while writing: “Tonight I participated in the lighting of the Hanukkah candles in the Western Wall plaza. Among the participants I saw Benny Gantz who was not ashamed to come to the place after only recently saying that Jerusalem has room for another beer.” Miron adds and says: “Of course I could not remain silent And I shouted these things to him.”

Yair Sharkey attacked Miron and his supporters online

The person who was least connected to Miron’s words was the journalist Yair Sharki who responded to Miron’s words and wrote: “They had a method: first they curse the political opponents when they come to the Wall, and then they ask with a roll of their eyes – why don’t they come? Luckily Gantz didn’t flinch.”

As you may recall, last night Sharkey harshly attacked the journalist Yanon Magal after the latter joked about the fact that Prime Minister Lapid lit two Hanukkah candles several hours before the stars came out. Sharkey wrote to him in response: “What is un-Jewish is to mock and try to distance another Jew from Judaism. Yanon Magal does not care about Halacha, but rather that a torch lights candles. He, and a bunch of other name changers who took a monopoly on Judaism, would have preferred there to be a fir tree as possible to be shocked by him.”

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