«Vaccines in the future? Space research could bring viruses we don’t know about»- Corriere TV

by time news

The director of the Institute of Pharmacological Research Mario Negri comes out with a new essay, published by Solferino, “Roosevelt’s coins” (Solferino)

by Jessica Chia / CorriereTv

«There are striking analogies between what happened in the past in various historical periods, and what we find ourselves facing today, knowing what the reactions have been, what the successes, the failures, the difficulties, the mistakes have been, it helps a lot to appreciate what we have today». So Joseph Remuzzidirector ofMario Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, presents his new essay, «Roosevelt’s dimes. A history of humanity through vaccines” (Solferino).

A volume in which Remuzzi traces the history and origins of vaccines – through that of man – with a collection of interesting and curious stories, which narrate the struggle of human beings against viruses such as cholera, plague, polio, rabies (just to name a few). But this volume also tells stories of failures and successesof pioneers who have been banned and of scientists which were not believed. A journey that reaches the new frontier of mRNA vaccine against Covid-19, to its variants with which we are still confronted. To also turn our gaze towards the future.

“Roosevelt dimes are 10 cent coins that the White House, through the president, elected in the thirties of the last century – explains the director of Mario Negri – convinced people to make a great fundraiser. About $650 million was raised, which went to sick people and research. And this was the basis for having an effective vaccine. Roosevelt was in fact ill with polio».

«A hypothesis for the vaccines in the future? – concludes the professor -. The space research they could bring viruses we don’t know aboutbecause the conquest of space is linked to going to a place where we’ve never gone, where we don’t know what’s there and what we bring back with samples where they could be hibernating virus or bacteria which we don’t know at all. A virus, for example, that arrives from Mars could find us completely unprepared”.

December 20, 2022 – Updated December 20, 2022, 11:13 am

© Time.News

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