‘Save your local language’ award: the winners of the 10th edition

by time news

Il national literary prize, dedicated to dialects, “Save your local language” crosses the 10-year mark. Also in this edition among the winning works are dictionaries, scientific writings, stories and tales. Over 500 works received for the seven sections in which the competition is divided: “Tullio De Mauro Prize”, “Poetry edited”, “Prosa edited”, “Poesia inedita”, “Prosa Unedited”, “Fumetto Edited”, “Music” and “Teatro Unedited ”.

“Save your local language” is announced by Unpli (National Union of Pro Loco of Italy) and ALI Lazio (Italian Local Authorities) with the International Center “Eugenio Montale” and EIP “School Instrument of Peace”.

The award named after the illustrious and late linguist, former honorary president of Prize, “Tullio De Mauro” and aimed at published or unpublished scientific works (essays, degree theses, studies on local dialects and/or languages ​​and dictionaries) was assigned to the essay “Sicily of the hundred dialects” by Alfio Lania (Catania). Below are the winners of the other sections. Edited poem: Lorenzo Scarponi, “Gnént” (Emilia Romagna). prose edit: Marco Tonus and David Benvenuto, “Gera ‘na Volta a Pasian e Dazan” (Friuli Venezia-Giulia). Unedited poetry: Stefano Baldinu (Sardinia) and Fulvia Cristin (Friuli Venezia-Giulia) ex aequo. Unedited prose: Daniela Evangelista (Friuli Venice-Giulia). Unpublished theater: Emanuele Coppola (Campania). Musica: Pietro Mendolia (Sicily). Edited comic: Carlo Falconi, Claudio Bianconi, Cortese, Autoproductions I Balconi.

the prof. Giovanni Solimine, honorary president of the Prize and president of the Bellonci Foundation, organizer of the Strega Prize, thus underlines the importance of dialects: “In the past, dialects had only a local value, because many people spent their entire lives in their place of origin, without ever moving, so the dialectal speech was sufficient for family, work and all kinds of relationships. Today this is no longer the case and local languages ​​are an instrument of mutual knowledge, and help us to get to know the history, cultural traditions and religious, gastronomic and lifestyle habits of the populations. For this reason – concludes Solimine – the study and enhancement of local languages ​​are an important component of the processes of integration and community building”.

For the president of Unpli, Antonino La Spina, “the local dialects and languages ​​are an integral part of the culture of the individual territories: they tell the story, enhance the traditions, ensuring the intergenerational transmission of intangible cultural heritage. The difference that is often found between the dialects of even neighboring small towns gives a measure of the cultural diversity and sense of identity of each individual community, heritages handed down to the present day and the result of cultural evolutions, historical events and also of a growing and constant protection and enhancement action. For some time the Unpli and the Pro Loco have been concretely in the field to safeguard local dialects and languages ​​and we can only be happy for the recent initiatives, adopted by several institutions, to encourage their protection and promotion “.

“As President, I am particularly honored by Ali Lazio’s longstanding commitment to safeguarding national local languages ​​and dialects. The “Save Your Local Language” award, now in its tenth edition, represents a unique opportunity at national level both to bring out the inspiration and creativity of the authors, and to pass on the many Italian dialects: a cultural heritage of inestimable value”. adds Luca GA Abbruzzetti, President of Ali Lazio.

The awarding of the prizes will take place on 26 January 2023, starting at 9 am, in the Sala della Protomoteca in the Campidoglio building in Rome; the winners and exponents of the world of culture and institutions will take part in the event. For more information: www.salvalatualingualocale.it.

The Honorary President of the Award is Giovanni Solimine. The General Jury is composed of: Rita Caprini, Franco Brevini, Patrizia Del Puente, Luigi Manzi, Plinio Perilli, Gianna Marcato, Giovanni Tesio, Tonino Tosto, Salvatore Trovato (President). The Jury of the “Tullio De Mauro Award” is composed as follows: Giovanni Ruffino, Salvatore Trovato, Luca Lorenzetti, Mari D’Agostino, Cristina Lavinio. The Jury of the Music section includes: Pasquale Menchise, Andrea Carpi, Rosario di Bella, Marco Rho, Matteo Persica, Paolo Portone, Elisa Tonelli, Luciano Francisci, Toni Cosenza (president of the Music section).

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