the L214 association publishes new shock images on the force-feeding of ducks

by time news
Ducks bred for the production of foie gras are confined in a shed on November 28, 2022 in Sarrant, in the south-west of France, to prevent the risk of contamination by avian flu. LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP

The animal defense association has also announced its desire to file a complaint for “mistreatment of animals committed by a professional”.

These are shocking new images. A few days before Christmas, a high period of foie gras consumption, the animal rights association L214 publishes a video from a force-feeding room located in Lacapelle-Marival (Lot) where ducks are force-fed and abused. This sequence, lasting almost two minutes, is presented by Alexandra Rosenfeld, former Miss France. It was published on the night of Tuesday 20 to Wednesday 21 December.

In the video, the ducks appear in cramped cages and appear to be force-fed. Some are lying on the ground. Corpses are visible. On some images, they are stacked on top of each other. “What these animals are going through is unbearable», launches Alexandra Rosenfeld after an extract of wounded and bloody canes, by the “grid floor of the cages where they remain locked, which causes injuries to their legs“, according to L214.

The association also observes the fact that “usually only male ducks are force-fed under these same conditions“. According to the charter of the interprofessional committee of palmipeds with foie gras (CIFOG), the gathering of foie gras producers and industrialists, “when it comes to duck, only foie gras obtained from male animals can be marketed, in order to preserve tradition and maintain French quality”. Here, L214 asserts that “females [étaient] gorge instead [d’être broyées]in a context of significant avian flu in Europe.

SEE ALSO – L214: shocking new images of a force-feeding room

Filing a complaint

In a press release, L214 also announces to file a complaint “with the prosecutor of the Cahors judicial court for ill-treatment of animals committed by a professional». «We were alerted by a professional who works with this exploitation», complete for his part Sébastien Arcac, spokesman for the association at The Dispatch .

Quoted by France 3 the general manager of the Capel group, owner of La Quercynoise where the images of L214 were allegedly shot, recognizes a video “clearly shocking». «I would like to affirm that they do not reflect the reality of French waterfowl breeding. They do not correspond at all to what we want to do in terms of breeding“, adds Pierre-Olivier Prévot for France 3.

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