A shocking study.. “Men’s” symptom is an indication of the possibility of early death

by time news

A recent medical study concluded with a surprising conclusion that erectile dysfunction in men can be a strong predictor of premature death, which means that doctors must conduct a long list of examinations on people who complain of weakness, and then they must be given double care in order to spare them. risk of death.

The study, whose results were reviewed by the British newspaper “Daily Mail” through a report seen by Al Arabiya.net, found that men with ED are twice as likely to die prematurely compared to their peers.

The researchers said that a persistent lack of sexual interest could be a sign of bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or overeating, which increase the risk of chronic diseases and premature death.

Scientists examined the medical records and survey answers of more than 20,000 men and women in Japan for more than a decade, and then came to these conclusions.

The study showed that males over the age of 40 and those with low sexual desire were almost twice as likely to die from cancer, while the risk of dying from heart disease was one and a half times greater.

The results held true even after the scientists adjusted for smoking, alcohol use, body mass index, underlying health conditions, exercise levels and other variables. Scientists believe that it is the bad lifestyle habits that reduce the sex drive in men, and it is the same that causes other diseases that lead to death.
“Although sexual activity and sexual satisfaction were considered to be beneficial for mental health and well-being in older groups, the relationship between sexual interest and longevity was not investigated,” said the study authors, from Japan’s Yamagata University.

They added: “This study is the first to prospectively examine associations between sexual interest and all-cause mortality, including mortality from cardiovascular disease and cancer, in the community.”

It is noteworthy in the study that scientists studied the results of health examinations for people who were also asked to fill out questionnaires of sexual interests, and women in the study were more than twice as likely to report a decrease in their sexual desire as men, however, scientists did not prove any link between this and deaths, contrary to what is stated The case for men.

And it was found from the data that the scientists studied that the people who reported having ED were older people who were more likely to drink more alcohol, have diabetes, laugh less, suffer from some kind of psychological distress, and have lower levels of education.

“Based on these findings, we speculate that maintaining sexual interest may be associated with positive mental health, particularly among men,” the scientists wrote in the conclusion of their study.

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