Energy crisis: “All craftsmanship is in serious danger” Christophe Chirat, restaurateur

by time news

« We have up to 800% increase in electricity loads for some […] It is unthinkable to be able to accept things like that. » One year after his passage on FranceEvening to alert on the health policies applied to restaurateurs, the member of the Les Pendus collective, Christophe Chirat is once again our guest to, this time, denounce the catastrophic consequences of government policy which have led to soaring gas prices and electricity, including owners, like him, of restaurants, but also all small businesses (bakeries, shops, among others) today pay the broken pots. A surge in prices which is added to the “aid to URSSAF” granted to restaurants during the Covid crisis, which they must now repay. This accumulation of charges, he fears, like many others, not being able to face it. Also, he calls on the government to assume its responsibilities.

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