Aval Vikatan – 03 January 2023 – Making Asparagus from Home… Earn One Lakh a Month! | perungayam product business by erode nithya

by time news

For food Agarwood is also used as an aphrodisiac and a digestive aid. You can count on your fingers the people who make it and sell it as a major business. One of them is Nithya Subramaniam.

Perung kayam made by Nitya from Singripalayam in Erode district is sold in many parts of Tamil Nadu and is fragrant. A confident glow in the speaker’s speech and face regarding the house-to-entrepreneurial dimension.

“Being a housewife, I ventured into the production of spices to make my time worthwhile. Asparagus is an important ingredient in the preparation of spices. The quality of the spices differed when some companies used saffron. So, I also took training to make our own asparagus in a healthy way. With an investment of a few thousand rupees, I created a huge wound in a small amount and gave it to many people. Due to the good response, along with the production of spices, Ketya Pidchukit Tan” – a self-employed person, described the process of making mango flour.

“Kabuli” is a resin obtained from the milk of the Ferula Foetida Asafoetida tree that grows in Afghanistan. This is the raw material for the preparation of arugula. Kabuli Sulabma is available only in big cities of Tamil Nadu. Tell me not to use kabuli directly in food. That is why, prepare arugula by adding some food items including maida and mustard oil. Add the required ingredients, knead the mixture like a pudding batter, leave it to dry for about half an hour and the ground asparagus powder is ready. Instead of maida, I use wheat flour or various small grains mixed together and ground. I add nine different ingredients to make arugula,” says Nithya, who prepares three types of arugula.

“With papaya powder and dried papaya, I make milk papaya. People who make herbal medicines buy this from me regularly. I do not add any chemical substances to aloe vera for taste, smell and long term use. Some people use it after burning a large wound for years. However, I stress to my clients that it is best to use aloe vera within a few months. Depending on the order, I make small quantities of thick eggplant. It is said that in order to make a thick paste, all the raw materials are mixed together and only the foot treads until it becomes thick, and only men do that work. But I also prepare it by hand.” He earns up to one lakh per month from selling mangoes.

“Three years ago, when I started producing mangoes, I sold them through the Erode Chintamani Co-operative Society. Then orders increased through WhatsApp groups. A brand name like ‘NM Perungayam’,

10gm, 25gm, 50gm cans are filled and sold in natural stores and grocery stores. A steady profit over expenses is obtained from wholesale sales. Depending on the orders, the work will be two hours a day, four days a week. Don’t ask anyone for help. Major injury preparation is a good career opportunity for women. “With proper training, if you come into this business with an assured sales opportunity, you can definitely succeed,” assures Nithya.

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