Intensity of genetic testing of the spread of the corona virus in China Dinamalar

by time news

Chennai: Due to the increasing spread of corona virus in China, medical monitoring and genetic tests have been intensified in Tamil Nadu. In China, the ‘Omicron’ type of virus has mutated and a new type of ‘PF-7’ corona infection is spreading.

Although its symptoms and effects are moderate at present, it is feared that its severity may increase when the virus spreads to many people.

Public Health Department Director Selvavinayagam said:

It is true that the corona virus cannot be completely eradicated. In order to confirm it, the spread of infection has increased in China. So far, no such infection has been detected in Tamil Nadu.

Currently, the number of infections in the state is decreasing. Expanding the tests will affect one or two people somewhere. It just needs to be noticed how strong it is. And the public health department continues to monitor genetic changes in the coronavirus.

This is what he said.

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