the boom of the «elixir of life» –

by time news

Among those studied, the ameliorative effects on the cognitive system, anti-infective, anti-stress and anti-aging. also added to sauces for fish, first courses and desserts

It is added everywhere, in smoothies, sodas, chocolate, biscuits, pancakes, fish sauces and even on pasta. Thanks to its bright green color that attracts even starred chefs and, above all, its reputation as precious antioxidant. The matcha tea, a type of t verde
(comes from the same plant, Camellia sinensis) traditionally used in tea ceremonies in Japan, is experiencing a boom.

it is in our nature to desire more or less exotic and more or less miraculous substances that change over time, begins Stefano Erzegovesi, nutritionist and psychiatrist, expert in preventive nutrition and eating disorders. There have been periods of ginseng, ginger, goji berries. They promised, as in the case of t matcha, effects almost always related to dreams of elixir of life. In any case, add one to our varied diet extra dose of antioxidants it is good for health, whether it is an exotic matcha tea or a more Mediterranean infusion of mint and rosemary.

What are the benefits of matcha?

Scientific literature has produced more than 100 works on its properties: the most studied are the effects of improvement on memory, attention and concentration, those antioxidants, anti-infectives, anti-stress and anti-aging. The most investigated nutritional components are catechins, phenolic compounds with marked anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, green tea in general activates sirtuins, particular proteins that regulate insulin resistance, metabolism, chronic inflammation, antitumor immunity and cellular aging.

How is it different from green tea?

In green tea, the leaves are dried, crushed into pieces and then steeped in boiling water; in t matcha are dried and finely ground until obtaining an impalpable powder. If in the first case we drink an infusion extract of tea leaves, in the second we “eat” the whole leaveswith all their fiber and antioxidant content: this means that matcha tea provides a much higher quantity of beneficial substances.

Does it contain caffeine?

Theine and caffeine are, from a molecular point of view, the same thing. The difference lies in the concentration: in coffee it is more concentrated and a faster and more decisive activating effect; in the more diluted tea, it is absorbed more slowly and a more delicate and distributed effect over time. If you are “sensitive” to caffeine, it is better to dose the quantities and prefer the morning and lunch times. More caution if you also suffer from cardiovascular disease, because it can promote tachycardia.

The useful tips

Dilute the matcha tea in plain water — hot, but not boiling, and unsweetened — e not in milk
because it makes the precious antioxidants much less bioavailable, i.e. assimilable. Always have the foresight of
bang it gently, as you would for the preparation of zabaglione, in order to mix well, and then drink entirely, the brilliant green powder. The leaves are selected from the greenest varieties, with the greatest quantities of chlorophyll. They are slowly ground in stone mills which guarantee low temperatures, to protect the thermosensitive antioxidants.

December 13, 2022 (change December 13, 2022 | 5:34 pm)

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