Neuromuscular diseases, 96 thousand euros from the ‘Yes, donating makes you happy’ campaign

by time news

A gift of 96,536 euros under the Christmas tree of the Nemo Clinical Centers, thanks to ODStore customers: the fourth edition of ‘Yes, donating makes you happy’ ends with this balance, a campaign promoted again this year by the chain of sweet and savory products in favor of children with Sma (spinal muscular atrophy) and muscular dystrophies of the Nemo Centers, facilities of excellence for the treatment and research on neuromuscular diseases. The initiative – recalls a note – has involved customers of the chain’s 74 stores since 11 November, who were able to donate 1 euro in cash receiving a Lindor salted caramel chocolate in exchange, thanks to the collaboration with Lindt & Sprüngli.

“Once again I can only thank the generosity of our customers and the enthusiasm of our collaborators who have understood the importance and the beauty of contributing to the happiness of the little ones of the Nemo clinical centers – says Mauro Tiberti, founder of the ODStore chain and creator of the campaign – Achieving this great goal together makes me really happy, because it’s nice to know that everyone has contributed in a concrete way to its achievement. It is precisely the miracle of solidarity that we can also rejoice this Christmas”.

Concrete gestures of solidarity, therefore, which will allow to give continuity to the Affectivity Clinic, the path of psychological, emotional and educational care for children and young people with neuromuscular diseases and their families, active since 2019 in the Nemo Centers thanks to the support of the campaign. In the last year alone, over 1,750 young patients were accompanied in their growth by the team of professionals, during periods of hospitalization in the ward and in day outpatient activities. Physical and temporal spaces within the Nemo Centers designed specifically to let the little ones experience relationships, sharing, rehabilitative play and allow them to acquire the correct tools to fully experience childhood and adolescence, beyond physical limit imposed by the disease.

For 2023, the Affectivity Clinic will enhance support for families through a continuous taking charge action by the 20 professionals of the dedicated Nemo Centers, who will go beyond the experience of the department to be an active and reference presence in the daily life of children and young people and their parents. Objective: to be by their side in the stages of growth, in the management of daily questions regarding the pathology, the introduction of aids and the functional changes that take place in one’s body. Expert presence for training in reading emotions and for understanding the impact on life history of the new treatments that scientific research is bringing, but also a reference for learning to recognize and rejoice in future life expectations and plans.

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