Gopstein and Merzel will be in the next Knesset? Itamar Ben Gabir’s demand from Netanyahu

by time news

led by Otzma Yehudit Party Itamar Ben Gabir announced this morning (Thursday) that she had reached an agreement with the Likud party and would join the designated government, after the negotiation clauses were agreed upon. As part of the summaries between the parties, it was decided to cancel the section that prevents running for the Knesset from those who deny Israel a democratic Jewish state or incite racism.

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Otzma Yehudit’s reasoning for their request to include the cancellation of the clause as part of the coalition agreements is because it has so far been applied “unequally only towards the right”. In fact, this is a decision intended to pave the way for Michael Ben Ari, Benzi Gopstein and Baruch Marzel to the Knesset.

As mentioned, Section 7A of the Basic Law: The Knesset states that a list of candidates will not participate in the Knesset elections and no person will be a candidate in the Knesset elections, if there is in the goals or actions of the list or in the actions of the person, including in his statements, explicitly or implicitly, the denial of the existence of the state as a Jewish and democratic state and / or incitement to racism.

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Also according to the agreement between the Likud and Otzma Yehudit, it was confirmed that MK Ben Gabir will also serve as the Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for Legislative Affairs. Also, a series of principles and laws were agreed on regarding the police, the development of the Heng and the Galilee and reform of the judicial system.

The designated Minister of National Security said: “As we promised the public, we did everything to establish a right-wing government that would restore governance and pride to the people of Israel, and support the soldiers and police in their important struggle. It is very symbolic that precisely on the Hanukkah holiday, which symbolizes the spreading of light, we are establishing a right-wing government to fulfill the promises Ours for the sake of the voters, for the sake of our fighting soldiers and policemen – and for the sake of all the people of Israel.”

If the clause is repealed, then party activists Baruch Marzel, Benny Gofstein and Michael Ben Ari will be able to run for the Knesset. When asked if he is considering running for the Knesset if section 7a is repealed, Baruch Marzel replied: “I hope that Michael Ben Ari will run and there are other excellent young people that I would love to have there – I give up.” Gopstein welcomed the cancellation of the clause but said that “I have better things to do like saving the State of Israel”.

Michael Ben Ari answered: “Right now I have a trial, for ‘inciting racism’, focused on crushing the prosecution in the trial. There was no evidence of racism against me in the disqualification trial. Everything was done. When I go through the trial and when there are elections, I will decide where it is important for me to invest my energies.” .

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In the meantime, Ben Gvir came to the special committee that discussed the amendment to the Police Ordinance and announced that the debate on the vote to amend the Police Ordinance would be split and part of it would be postponed after the swearing in of the government. This, in accordance with comments from the legal counsel who criticized the legislative “blitz” instead of an orderly process over a reasonable schedule.

“Following the comments of the Knesset’s legal advice on a quick investigation procedure and in order for the High Court not to reject the law, the designated minister of national security MK Itamar Ben Gabir announced that the debate on the vote to amend the police ordinance will be split,” it said.

The committee will discuss and vote even before the establishment of the government, on the subordination of the Israel Police, policy labels and principles and country labels in investigations, as well as the preservation of the minister’s powers, but at the same time the discussion that the Commissioner is subordinate to the minister and the time for processing cases will be postponed until the next few weeks and the vote will be after the government is formed. .

A partial list of the clauses signed between the Otzma Yehudit faction and the Likud faction as part of the coalition agreement:

– The law will establish a minimum sentence of three years in prison for agricultural crime.

– The law will establish a minimum penalty of three years in prison for collecting sponsorship fees.

– The southern law will be amended so that it also applies to IDF bases.

– An immunity law will be enacted for IDF soldiers and members of the security forces.

– Amending the grandson section in the Law of Return.

– Renewal of moves to remove infiltrators and illegal immigrants.

– A special unit will be established in the Shin Bet to deal with crime in Arab society.

– A law will be enacted that states that incitement against the ultra-orthodox public will be considered racism.

– The government will promote a ban on the waving or display of PLO flags in institutions supported by the state or local authorities.

– The government will recognize Be’er Sheva as a metropolitan city. and turning it into a metropolis so that the residents will benefit from a variety of services.

– The Ministry of Justice will examine a shemita operation for debtors in execution.

– The law of the ombudsmen: the CEOs of the government ministries will appoint the legal advisers themselves.

– Section 7A, on the basis of which right-wing candidates suspected of inciting racism have been disqualified until today, will be repealed.

– National emergency plan to prevent looting and destruction of heritage sites and strengthening of heritage infrastructures – in the Yehuda Desert, Yosh and the Jordan Valley for a total of NIS 150 million.

– The state will plant olive trees in areas C in order to prevent a Palestinian takeover.

– A law will be enacted commemorating the memory of the victims of the terrible massacre in 2015.

– A law will be enacted to commemorate the Torah and national work of the Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rabbi Avraham Shapira ztzel and Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu ztzel.

– A national religious head rabbi will be appointed.

– A government decision to strengthen the Chabad movement. The expansion of the Chabad village, the completion of the construction of the Rabbi’s Heritage Center of Levavoit and more.

– A law commemorating the memory of the victims of the 1955 massacre in Hebron will be enacted.

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