AstraZeneca, thrombosis and symptoms: updated information note

by time news

AstraZeneca, rare thrombosis and symptoms to report to the doctor after the vaccine: the Department of Health Prevention of the Ministry of Health has sent to all competent bodies the update of the information note of the consent relating to the anti-covid Vaxzevria vaccine prepared by the Italian Agency of the drug (Aifa). “Blood clots often in unusual sites (e.g. brain, intestine, liver, spleen), associated with low levels of platelets in the blood”, were therefore included among the “very rare side effects”, those that “may affect up to 1 person in 10,000 “, in the update of the information note of the consent signed by the general director of Prevention Giovanni Rezza.

Rare thrombosis

“Following the administration of Vaxzevria – we read – blood clots have been observed very rarely, often in unusual sites (for example brain, intestine, liver, spleen), in association with low levels of platelets, in some cases with the presence This condition included severe cases with blood clots at different or unusual sites, as well as excessive clotting or bleeding throughout the body. ” “Most of these cases – it is specified – occurred in the first 14 days after vaccination and occurred mainly in women under 60 years of age. In some cases this condition has resulted in death”.

Symptoms: when to see your doctor

“Seek immediate medical attention if you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling, or persistent abdominal pain after vaccination,” recommends the Aifa update. “In addition – it continues – consult a doctor immediately if, after a few days, intense or persistent headaches or blurred vision occur after vaccination, or if after a few days there are bruises on the skin or round patches in a place other than the site vaccination “.

“Benefits outweigh the risks”

“The Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (Prac) of EMA”, the European Medicines Agency, “at its meeting on April 7, 2021, concluded that the benefits of Vaxzevria in combating the still widespread threat of Covid-19 ( which in turn causes clotting problems and can be fatal) continue to outweigh the risk of side effects. ” This is specified in the update of the information note of the consent relating to the AstraZeneca anti-Covid vaccine, prepared by the Italian drug agency Aifa.

The document was sent with a circular from the Ministry of Health, signed by the Director General for Prevention Giovanni Rezza, and inserts “blood clots often in unusual sites (for example brain, intestine, liver, spleen), associated with low levels of platelets in the blood “, among the” undesirable effects “of the vaccine defined as” very rare “, ie those that” may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people “.

On the other hand, the Covid-19 vaccination consent form, transmitted with note 12469-28 / 03/2021-DGPRE, and the information notes relating to the Comirnaty * (Pfizer / Biontech) and Covid-19 Vaccine Moderna vaccines, transmitted with note 12238 – 03/25/2021 “, reads again in the circular.

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