Rami Levy knows who is to blame for the cost of living: “We are 30% more expensive”

by time news

Cost of living: In the last month, prices in Israel have been going wild and almost all the strong players in the market are raising prices one after the other. But not only them, the prices of fuel and water as well as the prices of electricity and property taxes are expected to rise. In an interview with “Ynet Studio” Rami Levy claims that the main blame for the wave of price increases is the state.

“It’s all from the regulation and taxes that the state imposes on us”

“There are tariffs and taxes around that shouldn’t be” says Rami Levy. “Once everything is lowered, there will be more massive competition and imports will be free. Prices will drop by many percentages because there will be a free economy. In the end, we are talking about the fact that we are 30% more expensive than the other OECD countries, and that is all from the regulation and taxes that the state imposes on us,” he says.

Rami Levy, will not raise prices on basic products Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

On his chain “Rami Levy Sycamore Marketing” Levy promised that prices will not increase, at least in the basic products: “Everything related to basic products, with us the prices will not increase, but on the contrary, we will do in-depth promotions and even lower the prices” for the other products Levy did not make a commitment but He said: “I know how to make a commitment that I give the cheapest basket in the country all the way, and that’s what I make a commitment to” and added “We don’t fight with anyone, we just make sure to give our consumer the cheapest basket. We haven’t raised prices.”

Rami Levy refers to Shufersal’s surrender

After Shufersal gave in to Tnuva and announced that it would raise prices, Rami Levy refers to the struggles between the chains and the large companies that market the products: “We do this all year round, and not just now. If there is a manufacturer who wants to raise the price, and there is no justification for it at all, we do not raise the The price, and if he wants to cancel promotions, we don’t agree to that either.”

(Rami Levy at the Kipa studio, archive)

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