“Man is threatened in his very anthropological future” Ali Benziane

by time news

“For me, this Covid-19 pandemic is just a step towards global power that can lead to a so-called totalitarian society, a new form of totalitarianism that we have never known” : in this “Pause”, Ali Benziane, writer, poet and doctor of pharmacy, presents his latest work The test of truth: what the post-Covid reveals to us, prefaced by the philosopher Mehdi Belhaj Kacem. Returning to the mechanisms of “biopower” described decades earlier by the French philosophers Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, he warns of “the alliance between science and force” against the populations of Western societies since the outbreak of the health crisis and calls for a start before a shift towards “the dissolution society” in which the human, supplanted by « l’hypertechnologie »would be relegated to the background.

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