Pd, the revelation of Bettini about Conte. “Fallen for international interests”

by time news

Pd, the revelation of Bettini about Conte. “Fallen for international interests”

Goffredo Bettini has officially started a new current in the Democratic Party, “Le Agorà”. The former right-hand man of Nicola Zingaretti has decided to create this group, with the intention of moving the party a little more to the left and to establish a close relationship with the new leader of the M5s, the former premier Giuseppe Conte. In the manifesto of his new political area – we read in Repubblica -, the dem executive reconstructs the collapse of the Giallorossi government. “Conte did not fall for his errors or delays, but for a convergence of national and international interests that did not consider him sufficiently available to support them and therefore, for them, unreliable”, writes the ideologue of the 5S-Pd structural alliance.

Then – continues Repubblica – “in the void and uncertainty” that had “been determined, President Mattarella was able to make Mario Draghi available to the Republic. A great personality. An emergency response to an emergency situation”. The reply from the Nazarene was immediate and annoyed. “It is a personal position of Bettini, which in no way reflects ours”, the secretary’s staff cut short. “Nobody can doubt that the Draghi government is the government of the Letta Democratic Party,” they insist. “So it wasn’t the fault of a lonely, insane man named Renzi,” scratches the leader of Iv. “Many call their own inability to do politics simply” international conspiracy. “

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