Low emission zones: possible derogations in agglomerations

by time news

Agglomerations of more than 150,000 inhabitants will not be obliged to set up low emission zones (ZFE or ZFEm) under certain conditions. They are specified in a decree published on Saturday in the Official Journal.

The generalization of these zones is provided for by law in 43 urban areas in metropolitan France as of December 31, 2024. But derogations were provided for and are thus formalized in a text. The obligation to establish an EPZ is waived when it is demonstrated “that the average annual concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are less than or equal to 10 micrograms / m³”, specifies the decree signed in particular by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. This level corresponds to the World Health Organization (WHO) thresholds, which are more stringent than the current European limit values.

“It is difficult to know which are the agglomerations which, in 2025, will respect the thresholds of the WHO”, one indicates to the ministry of the ecological Transition and the cohesion of the territories. “But it is of the order of a few agglomerations, less than ten a priori, which should benefit from this derogation”, explained this source.

Eleven already exist; Lyon, Grenoble and Paris were the first

Agglomerations can also be exempted from the ZFE if they propose alternative measures with equivalent effect. They must demonstrate no later than 18 months before the deadline for the introduction obligation that the actions put in place make it possible to reach the nitrogen dioxide limit concentrations “in shorter time periods or similar to those resulting from the establishment of a mobility low-emissions zone,” the decree states.

“The establishment of EPZs will only be compulsory when it is really necessary”, comments the ministry. “This derogation does not dilute anything in terms of public health” because “it does not lower the level of ambition vis-à-vis air pollution”, insists this source.

ZFEs already concern 11 French cities, the first of which were Lyon, Grenoble and Paris. They aim to gradually ban the most polluting vehicles.

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