“The Witcher: Legacy of Blood”, on Netflix: a spin-off a thousand years before the adventures of Geralt

by time news

The dark, dense and bloody universe of “The Witcher” is far from having delivered all its mysteries. After two seasons successfully broadcast on Netflix – the third is expected for the summer of 2023 – many elements remain obscure, at least for all those who have not read the saga at the origin of the series, “the Witcher”, seven volumes signed Andrzej Sapkowski, to be found in France at Bragelonne editions.

A first derivative work, “Le Cauchemar du loup”, proposed in the summer of 2021 in the form of an animated film, went back in time and clarified the journey of Vesemir, the mentor of the hero, Geralt, embodied on screen by the muscular Henry Cavill. The latter is a witcher, a genetically enhanced human being, endowed with powers that allow him to kill the monsters that haunt an Earth where elves and dwarves also coexist.

But what is the origin of witchers, or evil creatures? And what is this enigmatic “conjunction of the spheres”, which we regularly hear about during the 16 episodes of the series? “Blood Legacy” finally provides answers.

Subjugation of women, colonialism, class struggle…

The plot takes place indeed 1200 years before the events described before the soap opera. We therefore do not find any of the characters already known, with the brief exception, thanks to a scriptwriting trick, of one of them, at the very beginning and at the very end of this mini-series in four episodes.

Surprise, everything happens in an environment populated only by elves. But, apart from their pointed ears, they differ little from humans, subject to the same emotions, and capable of the best as well as the worst. The plot begins when two of them, a bard nicknamed the Lark, and a warrior, Fjall, find themselves caught up in the vortex of history, following the schemes of a magician, Balor, and a princess, Merwyn…

In addition to the pleasure of rediscovering an already familiar environment, “L’Héritage du sang” has the merit of not resting only on scenes of magic or action, addressing themes such as the weight of traditions, the subjection of women, colonialism, even the class struggle.

It is the female roles that appear to be the best drawn, the Scottish Mirren Mack playing a princess refusing to be used as bargaining chips for political causes, or Francesca Mills, a dwarf who is both funny and bloodthirsty. The best known, Michelle Yeoh (“Everything everywhere all at once”), injects her communicative energy into the fight scenes.

Special effects not always convincing

Ingredients that could have given rise to a two-hour feature film without downtime. Alas, the story, stretched over four episodes, experiences severe slumps, especially during segments 2 and 3. natural, chosen in Iceland, are on the other hand magnificent -, with special effects not always convincing and often pompous dialogues.

We will nevertheless be satisfied with it until the next season of “The Witcher”, which will also be the last with Henry Cavill. Season 4, already scheduled, is already planned without him… Last bit of information, a short sequence is hidden in the middle of the final credits, don’t miss it!

Editor’s note:

« The Witcher: Legacy of Blood », American mini-series by Declan De Barra, with Sophia Brown, Mirren Mack, Laurence O’Fuarain, Michelle Yeoh… 4 episodes of 42 mins at 1h03. Starting Sunday, December 25 on Netflix.

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