How to donate properly

by time news

VFifty years ago, moral philosopher Will MacAskill gave a speech at a TED conference. At TED conferences held around the world, speakers present original, occasionally provocative, theses in minutes. MacAskill’s thesis was that if you want to do good, don’t work for a charity. The message was addressed to the many people who are inspired by the idea of ​​contributing to the betterment of the world. They ask how they can use their resources, money, time, labor and spirit to improve the situation.

MacAskill’s reasoning can be condensed as follows: Charitable organizations generally have too little influence. Those who work there, in turn, have too little influence on the organization. In addition, working in charitable organizations enriches a person’s knowledge less than working in a management consultancy or as an entrepreneur. And finally, employees in the non-profit sector usually earn too little money to have the financial scope for donations. Become an entrepreneur, become a politician, become a scientist, or simply become rich is MacAskill’s credo.

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