Ukrainian drone kills three at Russian base…

by time news

08:01: Russia VS West

The West seeks to “divide and conquer”, denounced Vladimir Putin on Sunday, justifying the Kremlin’s military offensive against Ukraine which has lasted for more than ten months to allow, according to him, “the union of the Russian people” . “Everything is based on the policy of our geopolitical adversaries, who aim to divide Russia, historic Russia,” denounced the Russian president in an interview, a short extract of which was broadcast on Russian television on Sunday.

Vladimir Putin regularly uses the concept of “historical Russia” to justify military intervention in Ukraine by the need to bring together Ukrainians and Russians, who would form one and the same people. “”Divide and conquer”: they have always tried to do it, they are trying to do it now, but our objective is quite different: to unite the Russian people”, he affirmed. According to Vladimir Putin, the Russian army is “moving in the right direction” in Ukraine.

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